College is usually considered one of the best times in a young adults life. New friends, parties, and "finding yourself" are just some of the many life-changing events that take place in your college years. But what about working? Having a job in college may seem overwhelming, but in reality, it's not. Having a job in college is one of the best learning experiences you can get, and you get paid! Having a job in college not only gives you extra cash, but it prepares you for what's after college, and what happens after college? Oh, right. You have to go out into the big scary world and get a REAL JOB. So, here are three reasons why having a job in college is the best thing you can do for yourself and your future.
1. You have extra spending money.
You're able to go out on the weekends and have plenty of money to spend. Also, you don't have to call up your parents and ask them for money like you did when you were thirteen.
2. You learn new skills.
While they may or may not be as cool as parkour, you'll definitely gain a new set of skills. Whether it be in Food Services or working as a secretary, you'll learn how to function in a professional environment and learn how to deal with co-workers.
3. You get really good at time-management.
Balancing work and school is no easy feat. It usually causes a mental breakdown or two, but once you master the two, you become a force to be reckoned with.