Most people like to argue that school doesn't mean anything, that once you graduate you're still stuck with nothing to do. Everyone one else say school is important, and that if you don't go to school then you waste your life and your chance at something great. So I ask, job or school? Real world or class rooms?
There is something I've learned regarding this topic, and I couldn't think of anything better to write than this. The thing I've learned, is that both sides of the argument are absurd.
Look I get it. If you don't go to school you don't get a fancy degree and you don't go and get higher tier jobs. If you go to school you get a fancy degree. You can get higher tier jobs but run the risk of not even getting a job based off the degree you chase.
Have you honestly really thought about this before? Have you ever had this conversation with someone? If so, what side did you take?
Lets break this down. I don't discredit anyone or anything and I don't take either side in particular.
I am currently in college, so for me I have been apart of the education system since I was five. I am currently searching for a degree in Accounting, and eventually in upcoming years will take the CPA. The path I'm taking requires school. It requires a master level degree. On the other hand though, I am also currently waiting for Sanitation to call. I took the test and aced it. So for me, I have the option to go take that job, or continue school.
School is a place you go to get an education. I won't sit here and lie to you, school is important. You can get a degree and obtain a job some others won't and make a ton of money off of it. If it's the job of you're dreams, then you will be super happy also to have gotten that job to begin with. School is like you're safe haven. Some of the most influential people of today went to school and look what they have achieved. On the other side of the spectrum you can go to school for a degree like Liberal Arts, and walk out with no job and be forced to search for one. College is great, but it doesn't always guarantee a job for you it just betters you're chances.
On the other end working is something that has made people successful too. Many people skipped out on school and made something huge of themselves. You always hear the stories of how someone left college or high school and then did something to become rich. You can get an awesome city job or a regular job that is awesome and you love. That job can net you money and ultimately make you super happy. The bad though is that maybe you slack and the job you get isn't going to cut it. Maybe you work at someplace like Burger King, and you're forced to go out and get another job just to make the cut.
The point of this article is simple. Whether your going for a degree in a field that you know you will enjoy, or school isn't your thing and you just want to work, there are things out there for all of us. The argument between both sides is absurd. I personally know so many people who didn't go to school who made it in life and have been successful and can afford a family and a house. I also have seen people go to school get a degree and then went out into the world and made something of themselves. The main point is that it doesn't matter if you go or not. You can take a city test and pass it and get hired for a city job. You can work at a retail job and over time become a manager of a store and make enough to live. You can go to school and then get an awesome job somewhere and live the life. All of it doesn't matter. I am aware that money runs the world but sooner or later you will hit a point in you're life where you'll think, "I wish I did this/that". If school is your thing or if your parents are making you go, embrace it. Sooner or later it will pay off I promise. If you're not into school then go take a city test, work and don't be lazy and I promise you can make it too.
Be yourself, and not anyone else. Don't be something someone tells you to be. Do what makes you, you. If you follow that whether you have a degree or not, you will make it. I can guarantee that. To tell you my plan, I'm going to take that Sanitation job, and then continue school part time. Because i know if I work and get my degree, I will never have a problem getting another job after Sanitation. Who knows? Maybe I won't leave and stay at that job. However, I'm being myself. I'm being true to me, and because I have been, my life is planned out and ready to go.
Is yours?