Lately, more often times than not, I've been so extremely hard on myself.
I pick apart everything I do. I wonder how I could've done this instead, how I could've done that instead, what would happen as a result of it... the racing thoughts are endless.
The people I surround myself with even agree that I can be extremely detrimental to my own self because I'm never content with the things I do. I always think I can do better, be better, live better.
It's what I want to be. It's what I strive for.
More recently I've started to realize that I need to work on myself to get myself out of these obsessive and negative thoughts.
I've gotten through so many tough situations before, I know I'm strong, but this fight is different.
A part of me wants to continue to strive to be better, while another part of me wants to stop and take a breather to work on feeling at ease with who I am and what I'm doing.
More recently, I've been doing more things to help my well-being. I have so many goals for myself, and I'd love to achieve each and every one of them. In order to do that, I need to start working on myself.
I started reading positive and motivational messages each morning. It truly changes your whole perspective for that day.
I started planning to go to workout classes with friends. I think it'll be good for me to be active to get those endorphins running.
Most of all, I've just been keeping myself busy. The more time you spend doing things, the less time you spend alone in your room overthinking every possible situation.
Start working on yourself, for yourself, and you'll be amazed at the outcome.