Our world is so imperfect. So, why do we tell ourselves we are perfect? We expect everyone else to accept our flaws as perfection, as flawless, rather than working to better ourselves.
We have moved away from resolving flaws in ourselves and decided to blame others. Imperfections are not the basis for mistreating someone but they are not excuses for laziness either.
Yes, I am very proud of my uniqueness and the small quirky things that make me, me. But I also strive to fix myself. I work to better my flaws. My jealousy impatience, and even parts of my physical appearance.
When I want to be smarter I find ways to educate myself. When I want to be funnier I find jokes or ways to make others smile. I want to be slimmer, I go to the gym or watch what I eat.
I don't mean in these statements to support shaming others, but that we should be encouraging work not applauding laziness and contentedness. No person will ever be even close to perfect and unreal expectations are just as dangerous as no expectations though.
What happened to making ourselves better to make a better world? We can't only force everyone to accept every flaw when never even trying to rid of the flaw. It's unrealistic and is a spiraling staircase to allowing us to feel like we don't have to work at anything. If you don't have to work for yourself what should you work at?
If there's some way you don't want people to think/treat you or maybe you have a specific way you do want to be treated, have you considered ways you yourself can help achieve that? Perception is everything. But most importantly is the perception you portray.
We each have the one thing we wish others saw better of us, but have you ever given real thought on if there was a way YOU could help them see it, rather than just bitch about how "they just don't understand me". I personally believe that many times the way we are treated is not just action from others, but a reaction to our own personal actions.
To set something straight though is that there are cases that are not apart of this. Cruelty is part of our world and not everyone will see you fairly and truly like yourself. You should always love yourself and be proud to be the unique artwork of God. We are blessed with differences from one another.
But the moments I am pointing towards are those small flaws capable of work. Myself, I will forever continue to build on myself. Work on being a person that I would love, a friend I would be thankful for, and a woman I would look up to.
We each could do it. Changing the world just may start with changing ourselves first.