12. Cute Blue Light Glasses | The Odyssey Online
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12 Ways To Glam Up Your Desk And Workspace Since We Live There Now

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12 Ways To Glam Up Your Desk And Workspace Since We Live There Now
Photo by Hillary Black on Unsplash

Working from home can be a drag, especially when you would prefer to work in person with a team. I am an extrovert, and I love being around others, so working from home has been a real struggle for me.

One thing that my therapist has suggested is to make my space into a sanctuary. This has really helped me focus and feel like there is a safe place for me to work and be myself despite social distancing.

Here are 12 tips that I have used to glam up my desk at home so that working from home isn't as tough.

1. A cute planner/calendar


This is the most important item to invest in, especially with the world that can change every five seconds in this crazy pandemic.

2. Essential Oil Diffuser


Essential oils can help you gain more energy, as well as keep calm.

3. Cute Pens


It is always good to have pens on hand in case you need to write a quick note down.

4. Personal Photographs


This will help when you are feeling lonely during this time of social distancing to see pictures of family and friends.

5. Stress Balls


This will help when working from home becomes too much.

6. Motivational Quotes


It's important to have cute canvas quotes with motivational quotes to keep you pumped.

7. Lights


Colorful twinkle lights can not only brighten up a space but make it look more glam as well.

8. Desk Rug


A nice fuzzy desk rug will help make you feel comfortable as well as fancy.

9. Magnets


You never know when you will have to hang up a reminder or new photo.

10. A fancy desk mirror


It will help you look and feel your best.

11. Computer Desk Chair


Working from home makes it essential to have a great working chair.

12. Cute Blue Light Glasses


This will help with having to stare at the screen all day and give you a new look.

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