If you have to work during the holidays, it can be an absolute nightmare. It's busy, it's crowded, and people can get really mean. All you want is to be home with your family and enjoying the holiday. To all my fellow holiday retail peeps, the craziness is almost over, and we'll get through this. To cheer you up, here's twenty Spongebob gifs that perfectly describe the "interesting" experience that is working during the holidays.
1. When your manager explains how busy the holidays will be...as if your experienced self doesn't know.
2. When there are several holiday displays all over the store...and you don't even know where they are.
3. When you're asked to work overtime, but you really need the money...
4. ...Or when you don't need the overtime and you hope someone else volunteers.
5. When your boss is actually very appreciative of your hard work.
6. When you actually get to leave early on Christmas Eve.
7. Or when your boss actually lets you have off on Christmas Eve.
8. When your boss asks "Who wants to work the day after Christmas?"
9. Then there's the Christmas-loving coworkers who try to shower the holiday spirit onto the Scrooges.
10. But those extra holiday hours are pretty nice, too.
11. When a customer asks for a product you ran out of because your manager never ordered it.
12. Only for the customer to be furious with you even though it's not your fault.
13. When your manager asks you to something...while you're in the middle of doing something.
14. When customers are being annoyingly indecisive.
15. The attitude you have when you have to deal with the last-minute Christmas Eve rush.
16. When your coworker gives you one of those awesome holiday treat bags.
17. When a customer asks for twenty party platters to be picked up the next morning.
18. When customers complain about how "expensive" the products are...even after you tell them you're not in control of pricing.
19. When a customer is messing up the perfect display you worked so hard on.
20. And what you WANT to do to the douchebag customers.
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