With one year of college under my belt, I definitely feel older and wiser than I did a year ago. I always told myself that I probably wasn't going to change much. Holy crap was I wrong. College me is completely different than high school me. I like to think that I've changed for the better. However, if I were to go back in time, I would give pre-college Carly some much-needed advice.
1. The first week there (ayyyeeee syllabus week) is the BEST time to make new friends.
Everyone is on the same page as you. They want to meet new people too. Go out and make as many friends as possible. Trust me, you'll find your forever friends when the time comes but for god sakes, don't just sit in your dorm the first weekend and pray that you'll get friends that way.
Seriously, it's fun, You get to meet socially well-rounded students and possible find...wait for it... MORE FRIENDS. Check out everything. Most colleges have a ton of different club options and they are always eager to have new members.
3. Do not settle for the first person that shows you affection.
Know. Your. Worth. I have seen too many girls/boys get caught up in the first college relationship trap. It's healthy to go out and get your flirt on, sure. That doesn't mean that the boy who threw a house party in his basement with neon lights and a stripper pole is decent boyfriend material. Set your standards high and do not settle for just ok.
4. Befriend your professors.
This is so important. You never know when you'll need a favor from them. I have this one professor who happens to be my advisor and oh my god she is my favorite person. She has given me recommendation letters, and a job, and the best first year advice I could have asked for. Your professors are your biggest allies and network opportunities. Befriending them could land you a potential job in the future, why would you pass that up?
5. Your first friends that you make at the beginning of the semester might not be your friends at end of the semester, and thats okay.
I see this happen to often. You meet a group of people the first week during freshmen orientation week and you think you're going to be BFFs and do everything together. Lemme just tell ya, this is not actually realistic. You all have schedules that sometimes don't add up and you all just end up falling out. That's okay. You will still meet other people throughout the year. And those people might end up being people you want in your wedding. My first semester, I met a group of girls and we were friends the whole first semester. Later in the fall though, two of us joined Greek Life and the other two were swamped in art homework. We ended up not hanging out as much but remained close and reconnected later spring semester. Which leads me to my next point...
6. Friendship is a two way street.
You get what you dish out. If you're a shitty friend, chances are your friendships with people aren't going to be that strong. Don't be that person everyone hates to be around. Be a nice person. Care for people. Just be a decent human being. What goes around, comes around.
7. College is not high school, so leave that petty shit behind.
Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY, likes petty drama. If you have a problem with a person, EFFING TALK TO THEM. Don't gossip to your friends about that said person because chances are they will tell that person and the whole thing will blow up in your face. We are all adults now, so act like it.
8. Call your parents.
I don't care if you have a good relationship with them or not. Imagine if something were to happen and you haven't told your mom or dad that you love them in a while. They're important, make sure you show them that.
9. Traveling in packs is a total freshmen move.
Yeah, I get it, you all wanna walk to your first college party together. But guess what, 8 girls walking into town with crop tops and a backpack full of alcohol is not only stupid freshmen 101 but also a dead giveaway to cops who loooooooooove to bust parties. Don't ruin the fun, get a DD.
10. If you go to a party with a buddy, leave with that buddy.
Never walk home alone. I've made that mistake before and it's not fun. Also don't run away from your friends. @ Erin.
11. Learn how your meal plan works.
Nothing sucks more than it being finals week and you have 2 meals left on your block plan and 4.62 in flex and you're starving. Be smart and learn how many meals you can budget for a week and don't over spend your flex. No matter how good that strawberry mango smoothie at Cyber Cafe is... :(
12. Drinking on a weeknight doesn't make you cool.
Trust me, you'll hate yourself when you have to wake up for that dreaded 8 a.m. hungover as hell. Your professor will know, and they will call on you on purpose.
13. Drinking in general doesn't make you cool. Nor does not drinking.
Trust yourself, trust your limits, and don't succumb to peer pressure. I know everyone says that, but it's a real thing. If your friends don't support your decision to not drink, then they aren't really your friends. I know this is a huge misconception but you CAN have fun without getting shit-faced. Plus you'll remember the fun too!
14. If you do decide to drink, be careful.
Cops aren't a joke. I have numorous friends that have almost or have gotten underages for careless mistakes. If you and your friends decide to drink, work out a designated driver system. It saves you the pain of stumbling home and someone is sober in case of an emergency.
15. You should go to class, but skipping one doesn't mean it's the end of the world.
Yes, you're paying for this education, so you should be going to class every week. However, college is frickin' hard. If you need a personal day, then take it. It wouldn't hurt to email your professors though, they can be pretty understanding.
16. Don't procrastinate homework.
Sure it's Thirsty Thursday but you have that paper due at 10 a.m. Which is more important? (The answer is school.)
17. Enjoy your freedom.
This is the first time that you don't have to report to your parents, you don't have a curfew, and you're basically living on your own. ENJOY IT. It's amazing how much you grow and learn this first year. Find yourself. And remember, these are the best four years of your life, don't let it go to waste.