I've known for years of my life now that I have always wanted to end up being a younger mother. I know what a lot of people may be thinking, but no, nothing like ending up on Teen Mom or anything, just after graduating from college I would like to start getting settled with the one I love. Admitting something like this, for me anyways, is scary because of the judgment that has been around me my whole life. To the younger mothers I see who are proud and happy to be living the life they have, as hard working women with lots of patience: I look up to you, and you're deserving of everything great that you have!
As I prepare myself throughout these years of my life to become a better person and to hopefully be as great as these young moms are already in the future as I work hard myself, I already have the words to say to my future children themselves..
To my future children,
I love you with all my heart. Even though I know that I shouldn't think of you the amount I do, I can't help but get excited to see how you will become, whether you'll be like me, your dad or a mix. I've had dreams of having a daughter so I'm convinced that my first will end up being a girl, but no matter what the gender is I just hope that you will be happy and healthy.
Your happiness and comfort will always be the biggest priority to me. I plan to raise you the way I wasn't in many ways. I plan to treat you fairly, giving you your space when needed, and caring about the little things in your life that were never cared about in mine. If you want something, I'll help you to get it, but you'll lead the way yourself and go through your own journey.
School will ALWAYS be the top priority. I know if you're anything like me, you'll try and push yourself to do the most and you'll feel bad if you won't be able to do it all. DON'T over push yourself! Work hard, but know that it's okay to relax and take a day to yourself when needed, you're not "lazy" for taking a day off. I also know, if you're anything like me, or even your dad, that you'll over think a lot and take things personally. The older I get, the more I realize that worrying about what's right for you is the only thing that matters. Never let anyone's opinions outshine what you think and what you want to do.
I will ALWAYS be your top supporter, no matter who you want to be. For whatever you want to go to school for or even if it's something like extra curricular activities, I'll support whatever you want. If what you try ends up not being for you, then that's okay too. I'm proud of you for at least giving things a shot and discovering something new about yourself. It's okay for things not to work out whenever you try them. I'll also support you no matter what your sexuality is and what you stand for. Life is about discovering yourself and things are constantly changing no matter what you do and where you are.
Something I won't stand for as your mom is disrespect. If anyone ends up being rude and disrespectful towards you; whether it be in school or work, do the right thing. For the sake of yourself, tell a responsible adult, a boss, me, or just someone out there. Stick up for yourself but in the right ways. Never let anyone tear you down, but don't fall to the same level as them, you know you're better than that.
I have no doubt that you will be the best version of yourself that you can be. No matter what comes our way just know that I love you and will always help you when you need it but I expect you to do a lot for yourself as well. I will continue to work hard for you if you grow and continue to work hard on yourself everyday as well. Everyone will love you and we all will care, never have that doubt for a second. I can't wait to give you all the love and spoil you when I meet you. I know it'll be a ride worth taking. Again, I love YOU and I'll see you soon (but not too soon).
Your Future Momma