It's a deep and painful thing to see one of your closest friends go through the exact same thing you went through. Having those nights where the only thing you can do is lay in bed and stare blankly at the ceiling. Thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. Digging and searching for the rewind button just to go back and relive one last happy moment with that person. Going through days of having no appetite and no energy to deal with life...and yes, it's a deep hole to get out of but I'm here to show you how to be your own proof that it is possible. That this isn't the end of the road to life but it's just merely, the beginning..
You were the one who was there for me when I was going through my tough times in life and so it's my turn to be there for you. So here I am.
I know that your self worth is at it's lowest right now. You're thinking that you're not good enough. You're questioning every move you made in that relationship and making yourself out to be the bad guy. Thinking if you would had just kept your mouth shut and let more things slide then he would have never left you. Sadly, this is a stage in your break up that will be the hardest on you. There's no getting around it. But trust me when I say that you will only come out of this stronger than ever before.
Listen, I'm not going to be the friend to you that just talks shit on him because I know that's not what you want or need. I am here to listen to everything you want to cry about. To give you the true and loving advice, about moving on from someone who once made your heart beat faster than anything before. So here, take my hand and hold it, if that's what you need to hold yourself up then it's all yours. Because that's what I'm here for. I'm here for those 3am phone calls, when you wake up from the sadness your heart feels, or when you're driving in your car and you hear "your song"..I'm here.
He served his purpose in your life. You were meant to fall in love with him and he was meant to break your heart. You both had your love story moments, and you also had those tough fights that made it feel like the world was falling apart. All of which you will grow from. Every moment spent with him will help you later in life. Whether it's learning to put your selfishness aside or seeing how much love you are capable of giving to another soul. In time you will learn the full impact of why this happened to you.
This is a tough bridge to cross over, and the actual breaking up part may not even be the worse part of it all. But look in my eyes when I say that I know YOU are strong enough to overcome anything. If you can survive high school with me than you can survive this, lord knows how tough that was. But what I'm trying to say is that I know you, probably even better than you know yourself. I know for a fact that you will bounce back from this a brand new person.
He wasn't the wrong person for you, he just wasn't "your person." The guy you give your final rose to will be one lucky fella. He will get the stronger and wiser you. If I know you at all he also will get the stubborn side of you too, oh I'll pray for him on that part.
So this letter is for you, best friend. The amazingly beautiful and courageous sunflower, who lights up any room. This isn't your first heartbreak and it may not be your last, but with time comes wisdom. Just remember that time doesn't heal all, it sure does help but it's what you do with that time that counts. So let's go do last minute road trips to unknown destinations. Lets just drive and get lost. Let's bury ourselves in your bed while stuffing our faces with Ben&Jerry and cry our eyes out to love movies. Because I'm here to go through each of these break up stages with you; you're not alone.
You already feel like he's taken your heart with him, don't let him take your self worth too. Hold my hand and let's race to the end of the tunnel. Because I promise you, best friend, the light will shine brighter than ever before. Prove to yourself how strong my best friend is because I've seen it all along in you. You got it bee.