There are many words that are only used below the Mason-Dixon Line in the United States. This slang can be single words or phrases used in everyday language and conversation. My mom and I were sitting at the table talking several days ago and we were laughing at just how many "phrases" there are below the Mason-Dixon line that probably don't make sense to most people. Here are a few that we came up with.
Phrase 1: "Mayonnaise"
This is one my step dad uses frequently, it's one word that makes up for say the phrase "Man there is" such as it Mayonnaise a lot of dishes in the sink. This one is used by both men and women usually when stunned or shocked at an amount.
Phrase 2: "Bless your heart"
A phrase that not many men use but many if not all women, no matter ethnicity, is none other than the phrase "Bless your heart!" This phrase erases all insult and is acceptable anywhere at anytime and any place. Personally I use this phrase about a million times a day. I have heard women in their 80s say it and I've also heard girls in elementary school say this phrase. It is most interesting to hear what the situations are and why the woman is saying the phrase.
Phrase #3 The word Oil:
This word varies, most people from the south say the word without the "i" sound. My uncle lives in New York and they put the emphasis on the "i". This honestly gets a tad irritating when you are a third party observer to a conversation where two people are arguing about who is saying the word correctly. It just depends on where you live and who your speaking too.
Phrase #4 "stop being ugly":
This phrase isn't referencing appearance at all, but the act of being hateful or mean to one another. My mom says this one daily as I have several brothers and well, boys will be boys. One phrase that is related to this one is "stop being silly" as a third grade teacher we use this one as sort of a less offense. When a child is doing something he or she isn't supposed to be doing but isn't severe enough to stop the whole lesson and call him or her out on it. We just say " Hey stop being silly". They know what we mean thats all that matters.
Phrase #5 "I Reckon":
This word is usually used to take the place of "i guess so" this is used almost as frequently as "bless your heart." I use this phrase all the time, my boyfriend uses it, my mom, dad, brothers, everyone uses this phrase no matter who it is.
Phrase #6 "ya-aint":
This phrase was used most often used when I was in high school and I wanted to go somewhere and my parents had already said no, and when I would argue they would simply dollar out, "ya-aint going!" probably the most upsetting and frustrating phrase ever spoken from my step dad.
Phrase #7 "Yonder":
This word is used to measure distance. It is not just slang and informal but can be used as formal. I had a preacher once who said the word is almost every prayer he said. My boyfriend uses it on the phone with costumers. No one really knows how far "Yonder" is but I'd have to imagine its pretty far.
If you were born below the Mason Dixon Line I'm sure you've said or heard one if not all of these phrases. There are so many more, these are just a few that I am in contact with daily.