High school is one of the best and worst times of your life. I came from a large public high school in Maryland, and the school had such a variety of people and opportunities. Looking back at high school now being in my senior year of college (wow, I’m old), I realize that high school is a small time in your life. It is not going to make or break you. These are just a few things I wish I could tell my high school self.
Be yourself.
In high school people are always worried that they will be judged and so they sometimes hold back. I don’t know what it is, but in college everyone just seems to be more open. You can be anyone you want to be in college and no one will judge you. So why can’t this be the same in high school? Be weird, be happy or be awkward — because at the end of the day all that matters is that you’re being you.
Find genuine and reliable friends.
People always seem to think that having the more friends the better, but in reality that’s not true. You could have so many friends, but if they aren’t reliable or genuine, does it really count? In high school everyone wants to fit in and be in the popular group, but at the end of the day there is no “cool” group. Find those friends that will always be there no matter what. I still have my group of friends from high school that I know I can always go to for advice. Don’t get caught up about being “cool,” because in the real world no one cares if you were the most popular girl in school or the goofiest girl in school (aka me). These past four years of college have taught me that it’s better to have a few friends that will always be there than to have a lot that don’t care.
Start Good Study Habits Now.
I was definitely one the people who studied the night before my exam or even the day of. This was a huge wake up call in college. Start your study habits earlier rather than later. If you start practicing good study habits in high school, everything else that comes after will be so much easier. Utilize all the resources you have. You have small classes so you can ask you teachers anything; you can stay after school for study sessions and even use online resources.
Don’t Stress.
The end goal in high school for most is obviously getting into college. I am here to tell you not to stress about it. Picking the right college is a big decision, but it’s not worth stressing over. You will know when you find the “one.” Everyone wants to find his or her perfect college. No matter what college you chose, you will find your home. It’s important to start looking early and getting some of the applications out of the way. I remember waiting until the last minute for some, which I know now was not poor decision. College is your future, so why wait and rush completing your applications? I struggled finding the perfect college that everyone raved about. I actually found Ohio University very late in game and I couldn’t image myself anywhere else. No need to stress, everything always works out.
And Lastly, Just Be Confident.
Overall, confidence is key. Don’t let other people bring you down. Just be you and be confident in that. High school is a place where you can find who you are. Embrace all that you have to offer. The more confidence you have, the more you will forget about what other people think. In college I don’t worry about what other people will think, I do what I want. All you need is a little confidence and it will change your life. Looking back I wish I had more confidence in high school because I definitely was more quiet and kept to myself. It’s crazy how just a few years can change your whole behavior.
Long story short, high school is such a great time of your life so enjoy it. Don’t hold back because you think others will judge you. Just be you and everything else will fall into place.