Welcome to this crazy colossal thing we call life. You are from this point forward the most beautiful and significant piece of my life. No matter how angry I get and tell you different, never lose sight of that thought alone, and I will do the same. Just be patient with me, because I myself am still learning everyday about this world. There is nothing I can directly say to prepare you for whats out there, but I will do everything in my power to try.
I will tell you a couple pieces of truth that will never sway; you are here for a reason, and what you do with that is solely up to you. You are an aesthetic of grace and beauty, no matter what any person says to you otherwise. Nothing is going to go according to plan. Be prepared for life to be nothing as it seems. Know now that the roller coaster you're on will speed up and slow down at any point of time, without any notice. It is going to be scary, it is going to be hard, but I promise you...it is going to be worth it. No one direct piece of advice that anyone will ever give you, including myself, will be the answer to any of your questions. You will find the answer on your own.
This isn't exactly what you probably wanted to hear, zero solutions, but thats the allure for existence, there are none handed to you. That doesn't mean it won't be worth the journey to find them. I can promise you with every breath, the adventure is the best part.
As for love...find it everywhere, in anything, in anyone. Whatever you deem what your love is and will be, is okay by me. I hope that by the time you are my age, society is completely accepting to those who chose love in any parter. I see strides of us getting there, but there will still be so many who make it their primary to bringing you down if you don't fit their norm. Or if you chose to never find love in a significant other, but rather a place or just with what you strive for in this world, I will always be there hand in hand to support you in those decisions.
There will be many of people who will attempt to demean who you are at some point in life. Please whatever you do, if you slip and let them in, don't let that be what breaks you. Don't let my mistakes be an example of your character. I have let far too many people in for the negative, and it changes you, I don't want you to feel that same darkness, ever. But as I have said before, I must let you learn for your own. I never want to smother, I never want to hinder, I want you to be your own person in this place of life. I just hope you always find the light in things, I know firsthand it won't be effortless, but shining through will always give you more meaning.
Don't ever fear to come to me. I know you won't always be the same size as the day I bring you home, in any sense...but everyone needs someone. I want to be that someone. Come to me with anger, passion, dismay, whatever it may be, I will listen. I will defend and place my heart aside yours everyday for the rest of your life and on.
Live. Please for the love of everything, live. Don't let anything or anyone impede you. If you have a dream, go after it. The only excuse for anything is you didn't try. Nothing should ever be a boundary or a barrier, knock it down and take on the challenge. I say this with every aspect, because I don't always take my own advice and I wish I would. I wish I would pack my bags and try something new every time I say I will. Or follow my heart when I say I want something to change, when I know I'm in control of the adaptation. Don't let your aspirations pass you like I have let so many of mine in the past. You now are my inspiration to live and be happy, for I want to set the example throughout the rest of your life. So you know its okay to be scared, but not to let that fear be what stops you from anything.
Travel. There is a whole world outside the little part you reside in, explore it. Understand there is a whole wave of other people and cultures out there that think and act differently than you, gain a better comprehension of those. It will build you as a person and give you a better understanding of yourself. Travel is a true building block for self awareness as well as global awareness. Take the time to give back, appreciate and learn. Never stop looking for ways to gain more from around you, your mind and heart will never be too full.
Break some rules... yes, this is your mother telling you to not always do as you're told. I didn't say consequences won't follow. Also, don't take this as anything more, stay respectful. There is a vast difference between those things. But sometimes you have to stay out past the time you allowed yourself in order to get home and write that term paper, life is a one time deal, you don't want to miss out on opportunities. A missed opportunity could keep you from finding your true love, a new friend, or perhaps maybe even what that meaning in life you will forever searching for, really is.
This letter will be ever continuing and ever changing but for now, I will leave you with, I love you. More than anyone and anything. You are worth every star in this universe and those galaxies unknown. I wish these words nothing but pleasant assurance that everything will be okay. I wish I myself would of wrote grown up me a letter long ago to look back on whenever I needed that life. Don't ever lessen yourself, believe in your value.