After the vile photoshoot comedian Kathy Griffin took part in this past week posing with a bloody severed head of Donald Trump, people from both sides were outraged. Rightfully so. They should be. But the absurdity of the situation didn’t end there. Things escalated and proved Griffin to be far worse of a human being than we initially thought.
For some, they’re tired of hearing about it, but it’s a vile and despicable action and Griffin needs to be called out for the trouble she’s caused. There are words that need to be said, and while I hate to be rude, it has to be done. More needs to be said than what a typical 140 character tweet can do.
Kathy Griffin, I’ll be honest. I had no idea who you were before this scandal took place. But now that I know, I can tell you that you are not an artist or a comedian. What you are is despicable, insecure, unbalanced, and dare I say, deranged. Believe it when I say that I don’t speak this way about people, but you’re the exception to that rule.
Why? Because you seem okay with what you did. You took the photo down, and you filmed an apology, but was it sincere? I didn’t catch a bit of sincerity in your voice. In fact, if you look closely enough at the video, it appears that you’re rolling your eyes discreetly. Oh, and not even 24-hours later, you hold a press conference playing yourself as the victim, and calling Donald Trump and his family bullies when you’re the one who started this whole mess.
What you did wasn’t art. It wasn’t creative, and it certainly wasn’t comedy. You should give up on trying to pretend like it was. What this was, was hatred, and violence. Do you realize that there are christians who are beheaded daily? Can you imagine how those who have loved one who were beheaded must feel after seeing that photo? Do you realize how insensitive this act was? Stop playing the victim and take responsibility for what you’ve done.
Your absurdity didn’t just end after the photo was posted or after your ‘apology’ video or when you played the victim. Nope. You continued to dig your grave when you blamed your actions on sexism. Excuse me. What? You blamed sexism for a photo that you agreed on taking. Do you not understand what’s coming out of your mouth? Do you realize that what you are saying has no logical reasoning whatsoever?
But I suppose you would say something to this extent because according to your twitter feed, you aren’t a fan of men, especially a man named Donald Trump or anyone associated with him. Men had nothing do with what you chose to do. You chose to depict violence. You’re the same woman, who in December said that you would go after Trump’s eleven-year old kid. Do you really hate the president that much that you’re willing to harm an innocent child?
According to several news sources and Trump himself, Barron is distressed over the photo. Was this your plan all along? Was it your plan to get back at Trump by traumatizing his son? If it was, you should be ashamed of yourself. It’s because of you that, that little boy could remember that image for the rest of his life. You may not like Trump but he is a father, a husband, a friend, a co-worker, a son, and so much more. His life has value just as much as yours.
Imagine if someone did the to you? How would you feel? I don’t know much about you, Kathy, but I do know that if it was the other way around, perhaps you’d think differently. Calling a photo of someone’s bloody and severed head art is cruel, and is never something to joke about. There are Christians who are beheaded daily, ISIS beheads those who they are fighting against, and it’s sad that you, who claims to never want to hurt anybody would not have knowledge about this, and would call such an act of violence art.
Yes, I’ve had a lot of things to say to you, but I have one last thing left. I pray that you’ll take a long hard look at your life, and somehow, someway, I pray that Jesus gets a hold of your heart and reveals himself to you. Because girl, you need Jesus. We all do. Even he can save the worst of sinners. So yes, I’m not a fan of you, and what you did was despicable. But I’ll still pray that you’ll find it in your heart to seek truth because even though every sane human being on this planet can’t stand behind what you did, and they shouldn’t, Jesus still loves you. He’s our redeemer and the God who saves the least of these.
Until then, stop playing the victim. It isn’t working.