He said that his words are just words.
He said it was just “locker room” talk.
He justified his remarks with the underlying tone of, “boys will be boys”.
But that is farthest from the truth.
Because I am just one of the many of women who have been verbally assaulted with words like Trump has so vulgarly used.
I am one of the many women who’s relationships with men changed the second those words were said.
Do not be fooled that this is purely my political beliefs fogging my view and dramatizing the situation.
It is my encounter with a certain guy, that unfortunately has sensitized me to Donald Trump’s words.
Does he know that the words he said in the tape were so vulgar and aggressive, I couldn’t listen to the whole tape?
Does he know the feelings his words brought back for me, like triggers that make everything come back in flashes, like slow motion.
This is not just “locker room” talk.
This cannot be justified.
These are hate words towards women.
They are abusive, dominating words that make it hard to even stomach.
I know the people that are in my own life, men and women, would never verbally assault one another, which is the only reason why I know this is not normal or justifiable.
It is my only ray of hope, knowing that most men are just as disgusted.
Because I know great men, men that would do anything to shield me just from words.
Unfortunately, there was nothing anyone could have done to be shielded from this, and it is something I will live alone with for the rest of my life.
Because even now, no one knows about the circumstances of my harassment, and I don’t know if it is something I will ever be willing to share.
But it is the reason I have a hard time looking men, whom I don’t know, in the eye.
It is the reason I cry every time the news has a story about a women who was physically abused or assaulted.
Because although I was never touched or ever physically abused,
his words hurt just as much.
They stung me.
They scarred me.
Those words that are just words, will be with me forever.
Fortunately, I do not have a leaked tape that anyone can have access to.
I do not have to explain to my loved ones the words that are being replayed in every household in America.
But there is one woman who does.
I am not held down by what I have experienced.
It is not something I have let hold me back.
It is something that I will live with, not as my shackles, but as my ammunition.
Because if there is anything positive that has come out of my experience, it is that it has given my the freedom to speak up for the women who do not feel safe to do so yet.
It is something that has given me the values and beliefs I have today; the equality and liberation of women, the freedom to choose whether or not to be a mother and the immunity that should come with saying that they did choose- and not be ashamed of it.
And it is something that has impacted me so deeply, that I will do everything in my power to make sure that at some point, no one will ever have to live with knowing what it feels like to have these words said to you.
No girl will have to worry about standing out, in fear of being called out or spoken about sexually.
No boy will ever feel it is OK to say those words to anyone, male or female.
No candidate for Presidency will EVER be excused for those said words.
Because it baffles me why it is still up for conversation.
This is not someone I want it my life, making my choices for me.
This is not someone I want in charge of my rights as a woman.
I disdain any man who would ever attack anyone with those words.
If words are just words, Mr. Trump,
then sticks and stones are not the only things that break me.