There's this really interesting aspect about life that I'd like to call, the unknown.
The thing about the unknown is that it fits into every crack and crevice of our lives that we don't typically understand. For example, the other day when you went to the store, and you stopped to talk to that co-worker, (or church member or old friend), you smiled politely, spoke, and stood there for a few seconds attempting to summarize the last 6 months to a year of your life (sounds weird now, doesn't it? But who ever thinks about what we're actually doing when we're doing it?). You're smiling and talking, yet, you have this queezy feeling deep in your stomach and a tingling in the back of your neck, and you realize that your body is releasing unpleasant vibes to your conversing counterpart, no matter how much you are certain your words and body language say otherwise. Meanwhile, there's a voice in the back of your mind going on about the vibes you're receiving from this person across from you as you both casually converse.
Crazy, that all of this occurs during a ninety second conversation, but the crazier thing about it is that we ignore it. Of course, there are studies that talk about human instinct or how our chemical make up causes natural energy between us and another human being, but how? Some are better picking up these vibes than others, and some just ignore them more frequently than others, which begins to bring up the two types (yes, another set to add to the many other cliché "there are two types of people in the world" statements) of people: people who pick up on the unknown and people who ignore the unknown.
Expounding on that, I'm not saying in this particular example that if you're one of those people who attempt to continue on the conversation, consistently ignoring the vibes you get or give off, rather than keeping it at short thirty-forty seconds, then you don't wonder about the unknown. But what I am saying is, those are typically the people that are walking down the street when a piece of the sky will fall, and they will look at the piece for a second and step over it. This second type will stop to examine the piece of the sky and where it fell from, then will proceed to ask the piece why it fell, what's it's purpose, how do clouds form, what do the stars look like, how does nitrogen taste, etc. There is an abundance of the first type, and less and less of the second as the centuries pass on.
The unknown could be why the Earth is constantly shifting and we don't notice. The unknown could be why all of those folks got moved out of their homes so that all these people could move in their new businesses. The unknown could be why a group of kids from a private Christian school are discussing the different ways to call a person of color the "N word" under the Instagram comment section. The unknown could be the martial law our government is putting into action that so many don't know about. The unknown could be why my headphones go into my pocket straight and come out all tangled up every time. But the relevance and importance of understanding the unknown only applies to the second type, (fortunately, as well as unfortunately) the more scarce type.
I was taught that too much knowledge is anarchy, if the people knew what they shouldn't know, they would revolt and rebel causing havoc and chaos throughout our land. Okay, yet, not enough knowledge is ignorance. Being comfortable with ignorance leads to a world of people that are coinciding in isolation. Continuing to live in these isolated bubbles, redirects our senses. The brains we once had to think and help the human race become brains we use to think and help ourselves, the hearts that once beat for our world and those around us beat only to get the blood through our veins, and the nerves that were once very sensitive to most situations have become desensitized.
In my previous article, I shared my slight opinion on what the problem is, what should be done or what we need to do. In this article, I will only say, a good preacher does not tell his audience what to do, but will plant the idea in their head that will lead them towards the right direction.