Every article I write is inspired by either a person or an event that has affected my life. Not very often does someone read one of my articles and text me about it because they know it's about them. It has only happened two or three times.
Whenever someone asks me who an article is about, sometimes I may tell them if they're close to me. However, if we're not close, I won't tell you. I don't say names in articles for a reason.
Maybe once or twice someone has contacted me because they know an article is about them. I don't know why they text me because I won't apologize. My articles are my outlet. They're the way I have my voice heard. I won't apologize for sharing my stories or opinions.
Everyone has their own stories and opinions. I share mine so that people can become aware of issues and learn from someone else's mistakes. I've made mistakes. I've trusted people that I probably shouldn't have.
We all make mistakes and we all learn. By sharing my stories, I'm trying to help people to not make the same mistakes or to show others that they're not alone in their struggles.
It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to do in life. I didn't know what my purpose of being here was, but when I write, when I see a piece of my own published, I get a high. I'm proud of my writing. I'm proud of how far I've come. I'm proud that I write about real shit and not the Buzzfeed kinds of articles where you find out what kind of fall drink you are.
(No shade to Buzzfeed. I love Buzzfeed.)
I write about my experiences and what's going on in my mind, and I won't ever change that. Yes, you can contact me if you think an article is about you, but don't expect an apology because it won't be genuine. I'm not sorry for writing about what I write about and I'm definitely not sorry for having a voice.