By now a lot of people know that I absolutely love the Harry Potter series and anything to do with Harry Potter but many people don't know why. I've been thinking about this a lot lately and couldn't narrow it down to one reason why, I mean how could you when it is something that you truly love and enjoy. If you have never experience the world of Harry Potter then you are missing out and here are some reason why.
First off, its a world filled with magic and the unknown. It makes you feel like you can put all of your troubles away sometimes and just live in the moment. You never know what's going to happen at Hogwarts and it's always keeping you on your toes. I love the thrill of the unknown and the thrill of adventure, so I feel like this is a big reason why I love the Harry Potter series so much. I first was introduced to the series with the books and feel in love with them as soon as I opened up the first page. I'm a huge reader and the Harry Potter books were some of the first books that I read growing up. I fell in love with the world from the words on the pages and the love just grew from there.
The stories are filled with finding oneself, friendship, loyalty, and courage beyond other things and I think that those things set a strong message for young readers and old readers for that matter. I guess I would have to say that this is one of the strongest reasons that I love the series. This series is something that everyone can find some kind of connect to, whether that be Harry's courage, Hermione's intelligence, Ron's loyalty, or Snape's sacrifice, there is something in here for everyone to grab onto and develop that connection. I myself just find that I can lose myself in the world and take my mind off of my own life and enjoy something as simple as reading about this magically, adventurous world and I couldn't ask for anything more.
Not only are the books amazing, and I'm sure you know where I'm going now and you would be right if you were thinking about the movies. I know the books are always better than the movies and Harry Potter is not exception to this, the books are truly better than the movies but the movies are a great second. I love that you can see this world come to life in the movies and you get to see the what you fell in love with come to life. The movies bring more magic to the series and help the fans picture what kind of world J.K. Rowling created when she wrote these books.
J.K. Rowling's writing is another strong reason I fell in love with the series, I find myself constantly quoting the characters from the series, especially Dumbledore. "It's the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more." was actually my senior quote for high school and I couldn't be more happier with a quote that this one. I think I say this on a weekly basis if not more and, "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.", would have to be my second favorite quote from the series. These quotes speak so much to me and they can be translated to almost any aspect of one's life.
I want to thank J.K. Rowling for creating a fantastic world and letting us all live in it with these characters. I'm a huge fan and I don't think that I can find another series that gives me everything that Harry Potter does.