When millennials feel that their Instagram accounts aren’t secure enough for illegal or inappropriate activities, there is one simple solution: a finsta. “Finstas,” or a combination of “fake” and “Instagram”, are created to hide all the content the public isn’t quite ready for. However, I see finstas as totally the opposite of fake, because they display a person’s true self. Behind the rinsta of sophisticated smiles and dull poses, is a finsta that contains the messy aftermath of the night. The reality is that while some finstas may be obnoxious and overused, they are unique, humorous, and necessary. Here’s why:
1. The amount of likes doesn’t matter
While on rinstas (a.k.a real Instagram accounts) people are constantly counting likes and deleting pictures that don’t get what’s considered enough, no one cares how many likes you receive. The fun part is in the picture.
2. Followers are scarce
I recommend keeping your account on private. Not everyone should be allowed to see the true side of you. It’s best to choose an audience that won’t judge you. Choose the people that are interested in your crazy life and won’t criticize the insanity. Take advantage of blocking the people that don’t keep your posts to themselves or those who don’t appreciate. On a side note, other finsta accounts should always be welcome. Share your nonsense with other people’s nonsense.
3. Usernames are iconic
Deciding on a username is debatably the most difficult part. People tend to incorporate their name into a funny saying or sexual phrase. Something that your friends will unmistakably know is you, but also keeps your identity hidden from the rest of the world.
4. The possibilities are limitless
You want to quadruple post about your dog? Do it. You want to vlog about breakfast cereal? Go for it. You want to craft a caption that could arguably place you in a shrink? By all means. While normal Instagram posts are strategically timed with captions proofread by all your closest friends, finstas follow no rules. The account is the real you so make it your own.
5. You get to express your inner ratchet/crazy/fun self via pictures and extremely long captions
Whether you post photos for the purpose of ranting, celebrating, humiliating, reminiscing, or for no reason at all, post that photo with confidence. If you don’t take pride in your posts, then what’s the point of having the account? This is an opportunity for you to put use to drunken selfies, embarrassing videos, and photos where no one appears to be camera ready. Enjoy the freedom.
Showing off your life to your friends is entirely the purpose of social media. Choosing to do it in such a peculiar manner is ultimately up to you. Jump on the bandwagon or continue to block the users with the ridiculous names. Criticize the phenomenon all you want, but when the number of Instagram accounts doubles in the next year, just know what all the fun is about.