It's hard to be a woman in this day and age. I mean, "real world problems" aside (those are for the big, strong men to deal with anyway), have you seen the state of my room? It's an absolute mess and everyone would know what a terrible housekeeper I would be! Plus, if I happened across a tearjerking commercial, I would be out of commission all day as a result of my overwhelming female emotions.
As of lately, I've been thinking a lot about these problems and how they affect so many women in the world. I feel as if our voices are ignored though we speak loud and clear, so I thought I'd be helpful by reminding people of what we go through.
1. Breaking a nail
Yeah it hurts, but now my nails look busted!
2. Small pockets
How am I supposed to hold anything in these sad excuses for pockets?
3. Dealing with a lot of emotions
Yeah, I think I'm allowed to have feelings since I am human and I'm a lot better at handling them than you may think.
P.S., my feelings are not a result of being on my period. They may only be amplified if anything.
4. The "Pink Tax"
Wait, why am I paying more for this razor marketed towards women while that guy over there is paying less for the same thing in a different color?
5. Being called a "b*tch" for having a rational response to a negative situation
Again... I have feelings too.
6. Not being able to walk around town with your shirt off like men in the summer
Why must I suffer in this heat while you don't have a care in the world over there?
7. Feeling pressure to be on top of everything
Everyone looks to you and expects you to be calmly strolling along, but then they don't take you seriously when you try to take charge.
8. Being told to smile when your stress shows or you just don't feel like smiling
Trust me, if I was smiling 24/7, it would look CREEPY. Then you'd tell me to stop doing that too.
9. Having someone "mansplain" to you
There's respectfully delivering information to someone who lacks it, and then there's needlessly rambling about something I already know about.
10. Not being allowed to enjoy anything
It's high time for pumpkin spice season and for people to complain about it those who consume it.
11. Being falsely represented in a book by a male author
It takes two seconds to do a quick Google search on your phone, at home, or at your local library. Just saying.
12. Being constantly stereotyped
Sometimes I like to put on dresses, and sometimes I like to lift weights. Sometimes I like to cook, and sometimes I like to play video games all day. Most people have a variety of interests.
13. Being expected to go into a certain career path or facing more obstacles if you go into a male-dominated field
Some women will choose to go into careers like teaching, nursing, and writing (valid choices), while others may pursue jobs in the STEM field (also valid choices).
14. Living in a world where you have to look perfect all the time
God forbid I look "tired," "flawed," or "human."
15. Being criticized if you look perfect all the time
God forbid I look "snooty," "vain," or "like I dressed appropriately for the occasion."
16. Being criticized whether you are sexually active or choosing to abstain
It's all about the powers of choice and consent, my friends.
17. Being hit on while you are working
First of all, let the person work. Second, don't take advantage of the fact that they have to be nice to you in order to continue your advances.
18. Having a man shamelessly take credit for your idea
Not. Cool.
19. Having male politicians write bills governing your reproductive organs
First of all, it's MY body. Second, do your research and certainly don't try to control things you lack factual information about.
20. The few rights over your reproductive organs you have threatened to be taken away
Please see the last point.
21. Fear of being constantly harassed
While others may be thinking about their quick walk home at night, women are generally petrified and clutching keys between their fingers for dear life (and for good reason too). Plus, they're not all that safe walking around in broad daylight either.
22. Becoming desensitized to all the small things you do to keep yourself safe
I mentioned the key thing, but what about checking around, under, and inside your car for intruders? Phoning someone while making your way home? Watching your drink being made and never letting it leave your sight? Assuming a mean-looking demeanor to appear tougher?
No woman thinks twice about these things. We do them automatically.
23. Getting hurt because you said "no" to a man's advances
Some men are worried about being friendzoned (oh no, friendship!) while women are worried about losing their lives. This is not a coincidence, it is a pattern.
24. Being a victim, yet still being blamed
"What were you wearing? How much did you have to drink? Why didn't you fight back?"
Why is the victim the one on trial here?
25. Having more obstacles in life to go through if you are a woman of color
Please note that I, a white, cisgender woman, am privileged and I have never had to deal with these problems. I have included this point because it is something that a lot of women go through and I cannot comment on something I have not experienced. For their perspectives, I suggest starting with this and this.
26. Not being respected as the woman you are if you are not cisgender (or if you deal with this list of problems and more as a genderfluid or nonbinary person)
Similar to the last point, please note that I, a white, cisgender woman, am privileged and cannot write about situations I have not lived through. To learn about the perspective of these women, I suggest starting with this and this.
27. Being the direct target of a hate crime due to being a woman
Among other things, toxic masculinity divides us and allows these problems to continue living.
We. Are. In. Danger.
28. Being called "too assertive" if you speak up about these problems until they are fixed
Call me bossy. Call me a loud-mouthed feminist. Call me any other foul name you can think of. They pale in comparison to all the scary things in the world.
Women deal with microaggressions and full-scale crimes each and every day. I will not be silenced until everyone has this conversation and we make the conscious effort to fix them.