As we all know, it is March. However, more importantly it is Women's History Month! A topic near and dear to my heart, celebrating women each day this month is so important. Women's History Month was created to celebrate all the profound things women have done throughout American history. Without women we would not know about stem cell isolation, that DNA is a double helix, or even about the theory of radioactivity.
Women obviously deserve to be celebrated 365 days a year, but the progress being made by having a specific month completely dedicated to women is something that should be seen as growth in society. The month of March has been designated Women's History Month since 1987 when the Women's History Project lobbied for congress to change Women's History Week to Women's History Month. Regardless of your political and social viewpoints, we cannot deny that women have become the focus of the media this past year. From a woman running for the highest position in the country, to the Women's March on Washington, the largest peaceful protest in the history of the United States.
So this month, take time to embrace yourself as a woman or to honor the women around you. Educate yourself on the issues that matter to you, whether it be sex trafficking, domestic abuse, or the wage gap. Step up and be a voice for not only yourself, but the other women around you as well. Women can change the world, and it is happening right this very minute.