We’ve all had days when nothing goes as planned and we’re ready to curl up in ball and give up. It’s times like these, when every thing is a mess and to add to that your jeans just don’t fit right, it’s a bad hair day and your boss/professor absolutely wont allow you a late submission that you need to cling on to all the positive energy you can find. Its now more than ever when you need to know that its not just you fighting your battles alone. And, what better to get you through this rough day than some wise words from the fierce and fabulous?
1. “Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.” - Carrie Bradshaw, Sex And The City
A lot of women spend their entire life waiting for prince charming to sweep them off their feet and then when that (white) horse doesn't arrive they're heart broken and lose all hope. This is not the way anyone should spend their best single and carefree years! Carrie like many girls (or at least like me) loves love and knows that there is a time for everything and sometimes being single is the best thing because one needs to be sure of themselves before they can be certain of letting someone else into their life.
2. "I want you to understand that every scar that you have is a reminder not just that you got hurt, but that you survived." - Michelle Obama
The first lady knows that the bad times and losses don't define a person! Sometimes, looking back on our lives and how far we've come and everything we've gone through is what we need to keep pushing forward.
3. “Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen.” - Blair Waldorf, Gossip Girl.
This sassy diva is unstoppable and owns each choice as fabulously as her outfits. She knows that it’s futile wasting your time blaming destiny and fate and doesn’t let anything get in the way of her dreams. She’s the kind of go-getter we all need to look up to and her quirky words are all we need to get through a tough day of work.
4. “I'm not overweight, I fluctuate between chubby and curvy.” - Mindy Kaling
Mindy is unabashedly herself and is always speaking up against body shamming. She is so comfortable in her own skin sparking confidence and self-belief in girls across the globe. She rocks her curves fabulously and is just the dose of self-confidence you need to get you through your day!
5. “The moments that make life worth living are when things are at their worst and you find a way to laugh.” - Amy Schumer
Amy is desirable, determined, driven and just simply the Amy every girl wishes she could be. This fierce woman with a voice of reason knows its not always rainbows and butterflies but about finding that ray of light and hope in the storm.
6. "Luck has nothing to do with it, because I have spent many, many hours, countless hours, on the court working for my one moment in time, not knowing when it would come." - Serena Williams
An accomplished athlete, Williams knows that the true meaning of hard work is to give it your 100% without any hope of returns and only then will the honest effort pay off.
7. “I’m proud of my body. My body weight will always be something that I’ll struggle with for the rest of my life, but I’m finally in a good place and learning to love me for me, and not somebody else's standards.” - Khloe Kardashian
Koko’s transformation is an inspiring story for girls struggling with their body type but more so an example of someone who breaks beauty conventions and aspires to be fit and fab by setting realistic goals. This Kardashian is #goals and can make even someone as lazy as me want to hit the gym!
8. "In my nervousness for this speech and my moments of doubt, I’ve told myself firmly, ‘If not me, who? If not now, when?’"
- Emma WatsonWatson really does embody Hermione Granger in all aspects of her life. She doesn't let some little thing like self-doubt stop her from speaking about what's important to her and in doing so she urges us to ask ourselves the same questions.
9. “It's hard to be clear about who you are when you are carrying around a bunch of baggage from the past. I've learned to let go and move more quickly into the next place.” - Angelina Jolie
To all the over-thinkers out there - there's no point wasting precious time pondering over the past. Jolie encourages us to focus on the now and what lies ahead. She's a beauty with brains and this actress and UN Ambassador knows that life is a journey and all you really need to do is keep moving forward.
10. “Take all the rules away. How can we live if we don’t change? – Beyonce
Forever fierce and fantastic Yonce’ knows that change is the only constant and inspires us all to break out of the mould and embrace whatever comes our way!
11. “Just be yourself, there is no one better” - Taylor Swift
TS knows in a world that’s constantly trying to tell you who to be you just have to stand your ground and be yourself cause girl you fiiiinee.