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Student Life

12 Inspiring Women From The Twenty-First Century To Admire

In a world full of Kardashians... be anyone else.


It is important for us to have role models. By having someone to look up to, it can inspire us to do better and be better. While I have found it hard to find women in the news/media that are worthy of being looked up to, these 12 women definitely inspire me to be a girl boss.

Jessica Alba

I mean not only is she a successful actress being in movies like "The Fantastic Four" but she also created The Honest Company, which she created because she wanted safe and effective products for her children to use.

Sandra Bullock

Though she is now known as "Bird Box Lady", I have been inspired by Sandra Bullock since I watched her kick butt in "Miss Congeniality" way back when. Bullock also has two children which she adopted because she wanted to be a mom.

The Duchess of Sussex: Meghan Markle

In 2018, the whole world watched Meghan Markle marry the love of her life. Before she was royal, Markle played Rachel Zane in the show "Suits" where she also played a powerful female character. Markle was married once before, but she did not let a bad relationship get in the way of finding the true love of her life and becoming a princess.

Catherine Giudici Lowe

One-half of one of the most lovable couples to come from "The Bachelor." Catherine is a mom to two sons and wife to Sean Lowe. The love she has for her family and God is exponential.

Maggie Greene Rhee

Maggie Rhee has come a long way on "The Walking Dead." Though she is absent from most of Season 9, Maggie has grown into one of the best leaders the show has seen.

*Bonus* She is a single mom in the zombie apocalypse.

Desiree Hartsock Siegfried

One-half of another favorite, but forgotten, couple that resulted from form "The Bachelorette." Desiree is a mom, but she also has her own wedding gown business that features her own designs.

Taylor Swift

You cannot deny that, recently, Taylor Swift has been a total Girl Boss. Taylor did something that most artists can't, and that is totally transition from one music genre to another. Look what you made her do, am I right?

Danai Gurira

She is just amazing, end of story.

Misty Copeland

She did not let ANYTHING get in the way of her living her dream. Don't let anything get in your way.

Emma Watson

Not only did she get to play the ultimate Girl Boss, Hermione Granger, but Emma Watson is just as much of a boss as her character. After she finished filming the most popular franchise in movie history, Watson went to Brown University to get her bachelor's degree in English Literature.

 J.K. Rowling

She has been a role model for many since the early nineties. She created a world that took people to places they could have never imagined.

Julie Andrews

She needs no explaining as to why you should look up to her. She is just a staple role model. After all, she is the Queen of Genovia.

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