If you're a well-rounded human being, you've most likely heard of the Bechdel Test. It's a theory to test movies for their value of women, and it's very simple to pass–or so you'd think. The only criteria necessary is that there are two women who have a conversation together that is not about a man.
But this test is slowly becoming outdated. What if all the women talk about is fashion? Or shopping? Or their kids? Or having to do laundry? In this case, does the movie deserve to pass the Bechdel Test? I don't think so. This is why a new theory must be accepted, and I believe I've found it: the Sexy Lamp Test. The Sexy Lamp Test says that if you can take a woman out of the plot, and replace her with a sexy lamp (a la Christmas Carol), then the movie not only fails the test, but also fails us as a society.
Women are in our everyday lives, whether we like it or not. They are police officers, doctors, professors, nannies, housekeepers, clerks, CEOs (although not nearly enough), and a million other things. Women are integral to society; so how is it physically possible to write a movie in which women are literally irrelevant?!
I am absolutely amazed at the number of movies in which women hold no real position of import in regards to the plot.
I've put together a list of popular movies that fail the Sexy Lamp Test miserably. I'm extremely disappointed in the sheer amount of them, both in this list and not, that not only ignore women but also use them entirely as props and to gain sex appeal for their movie.
I should note that the Sexy Lamp Test works well for books and comics, as well, but for the sake of condensing information, I'm focusing mainly on movies.
Movies that fail the Sexy Lamp Test:
Batman v Superman (2016)
I saw this movie last week with my boyfriend. Not only are there practically no redeeming qualities, considering the movie lacked plot and character development, but there were a total of three women: Amy Adams, who plays Lois Lane; Batman's dead mother named Martha, and Superman's mother, who is (shocker) also named Martha. One could argue that the Marthas united Superman and Batman, thus can be considered crucial to the plot, but consider this; Lex Luther could have stolen Superman's favorite lamp named Sexy, and Batman also could have had a favorite lamp named Sexy, and the film still would have made perfect sense. One could also argue that Wonder Woman was crucial to this plot, but upon analyzing the film, Wonder Woman literally does nothing useful except wear a skimpy outfit and take some hits from a giant monster.
Toy Story (1995)
A movie beloved by all, especially myself. Yet this movie has no female characters, other than Andy's mom, his sister, and Bo Peep, who is literally useless other than tempting Woody every now and again.
Good Will Hunting (1997)
A really great movie, don't get me wrong, but the plot focuses entirely on three white men the and pays little attention to any females. If the women were replaced with sexy lamps, the plot would still make perfect sense.
The Revenant (2015)
The only females in this movie are Leonardo DiCaprio's dead wife and a little Native American girl who he saves from being raped. Both instances could be replaced with a lamp, no problem.
Rocky (1976)
Do I even need to explain this one? Adrienne, the only female character, is literally irrelevant the entire film. A love interest, yes, but she accomplishes nothing.
You can also pretty much count any superhero movie made before 2012. Lately, they've all been barely passing, with one token female hero. But if you take a look at earlier renditions of Batman, Spider-man, or probably anything else you can clearly see the facepalming failure.But don't lose hope: there are some movies that pass the test with flying colors! We should support these movies and the amazing, badass females who are in them. These films star strong female leads that are well-written and inspiring to girls and women. These films should be role models for other films in Hollywood, and their leads should be role models for us women.
Here is a list of movies who pass the Sexy Lamp Test:
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
So. Many. Boss. Ass. Bitches. Everyone must watch this movie! The slave-wives of an old dictator decide that they will not be used as reproductive objects anymore, so they escape their oppressive master with the help of a well-respected female truck driver/warrior, played by Charlize Theron.
Badass Moment Of The Film: The macho man lead, Max, is about to take a shot to kill warriors who are out to kill him at the women, a very tense moment. In this second, he realizes that Charlize Theron's character, Furiosa, is a much better shot than him. Rather than defend his manhood, he offers up his weapon to her and lets her use his shoulder for balance. Furiosa takes the shot and hits the target dead on. Wow.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
A female Jedi who doesn't get killed right away?? Sign me up! Rey is the most inspiring character ever. As a little girl, I loved to "play" Star Wars with my brothers; but there were no female Jedi, so I had to be Padme or Leia and I never got to use the lightsabers. I am so happy for little girls today who get to be just as strong as the boys on the playground!
Badass Moment Of The Film: Aside from the obvious lightsaber battle, or when she's defending herself against Kylo Ren's mind control? Well, it would have to be when Rey is in the Millenium Falcon with Han Solo, and Han doesn't know how to fix the mechanical problem with the ship, but Rey fixes it in about five seconds, excitedly screaming "I bypassed the compressor!" and Han Solo looks at her like he's seen Jesus. Best movie ever.
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
The women in this film should be admired by everyone. They sacrifice their time, their homes, their friendships, and even their lives to track down and kill Osama Bin Laden. The lead character, Maya, played by Jessica Chastain, pursues her passion in the face of adversity, threats on her life, and the men of the movie not trusting her professional ability.
Badass Moment Of The Film: Maya is told to stand in the back of the room and not speak when her partner (a man) is presenting her discovery of Bin Laden's compound to the CIA director. When the CIA director asks her partner about the location, her partner says it's about a mile away from the Pakistani Military Academy. Maya cuts in and says "four thousand, two hundred, and twenty-one feet; it's closer to eight tenths of a mile." The CIA director asks, "Who are you?" to which Maya replies "I'm the motherf*cker who found this place, sir." Talk about owning your shit, woman! You go!
Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
Another Charlize Theron classic, but this time starring Kristen Stewart, as well. These badass women represent the dichotomy of good and evil, and eventually they face off in an epic physical battle, where instead of Snow White assuming her traditional role of sweet, innocent, bird-loving princess, Kristen Stewart dons an intimidating suit of armor and absolutely rocks your socks off with her fighting skills.
Badass Moment Of The Movie: Snow White wakes up from her induced coma, and instead of running to the Huntsman, her true love, she makes a powerful speech and declares war on the Evil Queen. She says "I will become your weapon! Forged by the fierce fire that I know is in your hearts! For I have seen what she sees. I know what she knows. I can kill her." This moment was so powerful: it tells us women that princesses don't have to be dainty anymore, we can be strong and powerful.
Conclusion: While there are a gruesome amount of movies that fail the Sexy Lamp Test, there are a fair few that pass. But not nearly enough. We need writers to acknowledge what women are capable of, and to represent us fairly and equally in film and television. If your women can be replaced by a sexy leg lamp, then they aren't women, they're props.