I was listening to one of my favorite rappers G-Eazy the other day and I realized how derogative he speaks of women. I started listening to other songs and realized that this is a pattern. Of course, I’ve heard these names before in music, but I had never stopped to think too much about it. That is the question why don’t we think more about it?
Women are portrayed as easy and willing to do different things with men whenever they want. This could have a great effect on how men view women and how they treat them. Women should not be objectified or treated any way that can derogate them. We should all respect one another equally and although it is just music, we shouldn’t take it too seriously and go out and treat women just the way it is described in music.
If we don’t take lyrics so seriously maybe, we could decrease the rate of rape cases or sexual harassment. Even if some argue that music doesn’t affect people like that, it does because people are easily persuaded especially if they grow up listening to music like that. Women or better yet, no one, should be portrayed in such a denigrating way. We should all be respected equally and maybe the term equality could be easily understood.