Women have always had to fight for equal rights. In the early 1900’s, women fought for the right to vote. I’m not suggesting that men have it easy, but sexism does happen. Going beyond sexism, there are a lot of issues that the citizens of the U.S have taken strides towards solving, such as racism and other types of discrimination. So wouldn’t electing someone for President who discriminates against minorities take the United States back many years? What happened to the progress?
Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the 2016 Presidential Election, uses Twitter often to express his opinions. At 3 am on Friday, September 30th, he criticized Alicia Machado about her weight and about her being in a sex tape. Donald Trump started these criticisms about Alicia’s weight approximately 20 years ago. Alicia Machado was a past Miss Universe. She’s kind of a celebrity. Only considering a woman’s weight is making that woman feel like an object. Women are so much more than their appearance. Do we really want a President who criticizes people about their weight? This is called bullying. Does Trump need to go back to kindergarten? Probably, because those tweets are the double D’s – dangerous and destructive. Yes, I pay attention in school!
Donald Trump has been accused of raping women. He made reference to this in a video where he told his audience that he kissed and had sex with women without their consent. This is also treating women like objects. Men can’t just do anything they want to with women. It’s despicable to hear of such acts by a presidential candidate. This sickens me.
I’m scared, not just if Trump gets elected, but for this rape culture that is forming. This makes rape seem “okay” and like it is “not a big deal.” But rape is a big deal. It shouldn’t happen at all. And treating women as if they don’t matter is the stem of the issue. Not just women, but if you treat anyone as if they don’t matter and as if they are not human, that’s a big issue. Everyone does matter and everyone is human.
If the United States elects Donald Trump as our next President, not only is rape culture being allowed, but it is being encouraged. Hatred, sexism, racism, and many other issues will not be solved if Trump becomes the person who’s in power. I know that both candidates have their flaws, but doesn’t everyone? No one is perfect, so holding Clinton to this standard is unrealistic and hurtful.
For the sake of women all over the U.S, and all over the world for that matter because rape culture spreads, please don’t elect Trump to be President. If you care about the people of this nation; if you care about minorities, make the smart choice on Voting Day. Vote for Clinton. She may have secrets, but isn’t that better than a man who encourages hatred and discrimination? As a person who has a disability, I beg of you to make the smart choice. I’m with her.