Where do I start? You DO NOT represent all women, and certainly don’t represent me. Why did this “women’s march” for “women’s rights” become a “movement”? Maybe because over 10 years ago our new president elect said “grab her by the pussy” to a reporter off camera in a locker room setting. I have never met a man, or boy who doesn’t talk about women in a sexual manner. For that matter, I have never met a woman or girl who hasn’t talked about a man in the same way - whether it be discussing a celebrity or the boy you sat next to on the bus. Everyone has a right to freedom of speech, but only when you approve? I don’t think so.
Actions speak louder than words. In case you forgot OUR PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, DID physically “grab her by the pussy” while in office, while married and then lied about it. Who did president Trump “grab?" HIS WIFE. So why was it ok for Bill Clinton to physically touch another woman, an intern and take advantage of her, but not for Donald Trump to SPEAK about women? I didn’t see you marching for Bill Clinton having an affair while in office. I didn’t see you marching for Bill Clinton mentally undressing lady Trump at the inauguration. There are videos of him watching her, even caught by Hillary. If it was a women talking about another woman, or a man talking about another man would you still be marching? Probably not.
“Make America Great Again," make people like you not so sensitive in 2017. Make women and men, gays and straights, blacks and whites, have equal rights in 2017. No special privileges for being “different," no labeling, none of it. If you want to be equal ACT IT. Approximately 500,000 women participated in the women’s march this past week, and what did you all accomplish? Nothing, some of you even dressed as vaginas, but you don’t want to be seen as a sexual object? How exactly does that work? Take a look at the women who organized the march, take a look at yourselves. What do you wear out? Probably shorts up your ass in the summer, and low cut tops, maybe a dress that practically shows your vagina to go out with your girl friends on Friday night. But you don’t want to be seen as a sexual object? This starts with you. This starts with how you represent yourself. Yes, men should respect women, but you should respect yourself first and keep your legs closed for a hot second. “You are more affective by keeping your clothes on than taking your clothes off," (Peggy Hubbard).
You want to be taken seriously, but there was nothing serious about the march. You stand for women’s rights, but what about the women you are murdering? You say a woman has a choice to abort her child, what if that child is biologically a woman? What about her rights? Let’s realize that you are marching for your rights that President Trump has NOT taken away! You’re marching out of fear, that a man will take away your rights. I didn’t march when President Obama took all of my money and gave it away. I didn’t “protest” when Obama was inaugurated because that would have been racist of me, right? I certainly didn’t RIOT in Washington when a liberal president was elected. You have a right to protest, but there is a point when peaceful protesting turns into rioting. Some are afraid of Trump and what he will do to America, you should be afraid of yourselves. You are the problem, you are rioting and teaching our children to throw a fit when they don’t get what they want.
What’s better than women marching around Washington dressed as women genitalia? The women that they look up to and admire. Let’s look at the celebrities supporting the women’s march, before siding with them. Beyoncé, have you seen her music videos? The ones where she isn’t really wearing clothes? Or how about Miley Cyrus of all people. If she doesn’t want to be seen as a sexual object or stands with women that don’t want to, she should probably start with herself. Her music videos and performances are more inappropriate than any other performer at this day and age. During performances she opens her legs, appears in netted “clothing," rides a huge dick inflatable, and this is who you want to represent you? To support not being seen as a sexual object? To stand up for the rights that haven’t been taken away from you? “You don’t want to be projected as sexual beings but you walk around half naked,” (Peggy Hubbard). I’m not even going to start on Madonna admitting to thinking about blowing the white house up at the march.
To top it off, the march was organized by a woman who has connections to terrorist groups! One of the leaders of this march is named Linda Sansour, “part of the 'Arab American Association of New York,'" (John Parazzo). She works to get the police in New York to stop watching over this group like they do because this group was founded right after 911. Her close family members served twelve years in jail for planning to murder Jews and their part with the Hamas. They have all showed support for terrorist organizations, and that’s who you want to represent you as a woman trying to protect her rights?
You’re marching for rights, but don’t see how far we have come. Take a look around the world, women have NO rights in other countries, and you’re upset because of what men say and think now? Take a minute to realize how far we have come in a short period of time. Take a minute to realize that other countries don’t have what we have, their women aren’t even close to where we stand today. In Saudi Arabia, a woman can’t obtain a driver’s license. In India, women don’t have to wear motorcycle helmets but men do. In Yemen, legally a woman is only considered half of a witness, not a whole, a HALF. They are considered HALF of a person, and you are marching why?! In Iran, there is gender segregation, and you are marching for what? Equal rights? In Africa, women have their clitoris cut off to symbol woman hood at ages 7-10. This is done for the men’s pleasure and to ensure that the woman is pure. We may not make the same amount of money as men, but we are pretty damn close to equal. You don’t realize what you have until its gone, I wish you would all take a trip to one of these countries and come back to appreciate what you have. I wish the march would have been for equal pay or something productive and not pro-choice bullshit that has done nothing for any of us.
Trump has not taken any women’s rights away, but you’re AFRAID he will. If you haven’t been to history class in a few years, here’s a reminder, the president can’t pull ideas out of his or her ass and make them laws. It has to go through several groups before becoming official. You have not inspired me to join you, you embarrass me. You make women look like a bunch of crybabies. Stop acting and dressing like pussies and get a hobby or, even better, a JOB.
Thanks for nothing!