Over the years I have seen women come together due to world or political events they stand up to. However, I still see women putting each other down constantly, even if it is over petty little things. Come on women, it's 2018. It's time we stop putting each other down and instead lift each other up.
A little over two weeks ago I attend the Professional Women's Forum at Millersville University in PA. The keynote speaker for the event was Nancy Lieberman a.k.a. "Lady Magic." Now I am not keen on basketball so I did not realize how popular of an athlete she is until that day, but nonetheless her story/speech was inspirational. I left the Forum that day realizing just how important it is for us women to define our obstacles, create a game plan, and then execute it as a team.
We women know all of the obstacles we face not only in the workplace, but in our every day lives. If we learn to work together we will be able to accomplish so much more than we can individually. So stop putting other women down. Who cares if that girl that studies less than you gets straight A's? Or how about that girl in HR that has the perfect body? We ALL have our strengths and weaknesses so quit the judging. Instead you should be encouraging and helping other women use their strengths while improving upon their weaknesses.
In order for us women to work as a team we need some common sayings to live by. From Nancy Lieberman's speech there are some key mottos I was able to take away and use in my own life. So start being proactive and use these 7 mottos. Not only will these mottos help you to become a better version of yourself, but they'll help you to encourage other women around you to do the same.
1. Get up every day and set the tone for your day.
YOU have the choice to determine how your day goes. Wake up and set the tone for your day.
2. Get rid of the mind monsters.
Too often we are stuck in our heads listening to those mind monsters. It's time we get rid of them. It's as simple as saying yes or no without having to assess every possible outcome.
3. Lift when you rise.
When you're creating success for yourself make sure to lift others up around you. Nothing is more powerful than lifting up others as you rise.
4. It's your job to start your engine.
At the end of the day, you determine whether or not you will arrive at your goals or aspirations. You are the only one that can start the journey and ultimately arrive. So what are you waiting for? Start your engine and encourage others to start their's.
5. Make everyday your masterpiece.
Make sure you are adding to your masterpiece everyday. Great, beautiful things take time so make sure you are proactively working on your masterpiece each and every day.
6. See it, say it, be it.
Envision what you want to become, tell yourself that's how you want to become, and then become it. We have to start with a vision, then verbally reinforce ourselves, and finally put that vision into action.
7. No excuses, no explanations.
You are a woman who does not need to explain herself nor use excuses. You have the power over your decisions and most certainly don't have to explain them. Be wise in your decisions, but stay firm in them.