Many of us have already graduated and moved on from our high school lives, however, many of us are going to graduate over the next few years. What I am about to say to you I hope you don't skim over in a rush of impatience: do not let anyone plan your life for you.
We live in a millennium where females are still being treated as if males are more equal -- and we're letting them. We're allowing for our education to take a backseat in our lives. We continue to believe that a man will take care of us, thus opening the gateway to inequality.
Not only that but many women get told their skirts are too short, but their dresses are too long. We get told that if we just show more skin then we'd get the job, but showing too much will make us immodest. Granted society has dictated women's place in the world for many many years now, but with technology the harsh restrictions to seem normal have made us unable to breathe. We're all drowning in the unspoken words and we're desperate for air. We don't know how to act and so we sit back and keep our mouths shut.
It is time we stop sitting backseat to our lives and take control. It is time we put our education and future first. So many females fail to see that being independent is the only way to truly live. Now I'm not saying being single all the time, I'm saying live a life where You're in control. Live a life where you're actually living.