Women have rights too, dummy! | The Odyssey Online
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Women have rights too, dummy!

A fun little parody which sheds light on serious issues.

Women have rights too, dummy!

Disclaimer: Hello! This article is a fun parody of an Esquire article titled "How To Be A Man?" by Tom Chiarella. It is NOT to be taken seriously, and is only meant to be a joke! I saw this article on my Facebook feed, along with another one describing how women write in a cheesy, and boring way (Which is completely false!), so I was inspired to create this piece!

Hey folks! So as you all know, I just started my freshman year. But don’t worry my lovelies for I will continue my blog posts! Just not daily. Once per week. Per two weeks? I’ll have it all figured out in a little while. Enough about me, let’s move on to the much anticipated weekly opinion post, shall we?

For my new readers, let me give you a brief overview of what I try to achieve here at blogger. When I was at school, I used a ton of resources for almost every assignment. Then I realized, we don’t only need fact-based sites, we need opinions too. But I looked and looked and looked. I rarely found a legit opinion which I could agree or disagree with. Hence, I created this blog. I blog almost every week about different issues that affect women worldwide. Last week, I added an entry about unequal job opportunities and pay for women.

This week, I have decided to directly approach the issue of biased articles present in modern day media. When writing articles you have to decide if you are going to favor one side or remain neutral. Due to this perspective, the language used by media reflects their ideology/biases against one side of an argument. Men are usually the authors of many biased articles and if I use my theory, then they would naturally favor the masculine race over the feminine one. With this bias, they use mostly subtle, but sometimes blatant language to demean or degrade women; this earns them the same respect they used to receive in earlier times. One might ask, what do I exactly mean by earlier times? Well, in this case, I’m referring to earlier eras such as the time when women were just viewed as objects for carnal desires and household purposes. Such as before the attempt to gain women’s rights, where they were just seen as a maid and nothing more. So I pose a question for my male readers: how can you say we have progressed as a race from the earlier eras, if you still treat women as you used to back then.

Today, I decided to mix things up. I’m going to first explain what I think is wrong with an article and then, using that same writing style, I’m going to write a short paragraph which gives power to women, and takes it away from men. Sounds fun, right? I know I’m going to enjoy writing this, even if it is extra work!

The article I want to address is Tom Chiarella’s article “How To Be A Man?” which was featured in the men's magazine Esquire. In the process of reviewing this article, please bear in mind that I don’t intend to offend Tom in any way and just want to prove my point. I apologize sincerely if he is reading this right now. And for those of you who haven’t read the article, here is the link.

The article portrays men in the same way the Discovery Channel portrays lions. The way those deep voiced narrators comment, “The lion is on the prowl. The lion is on the kill”. This gives the main focus on the lion, and deems the other animals as weak. Of course, in this case, it’s not a lion, it’s a man. DUH! But still. It gives the same respect to men as it gives to the lion. And here is the much awaited paragraph:

A woman is always ready. A woman lives on the battlefield: combatting her husband vs. combatting her job. A woman makes money, but not just for herself, for her family too. A woman is thankful and giving. A woman focuses on her children, so she can give them the upbringing she should have gotten. The woman is classy; she dresses fancy so that she can be the main focus of her husband’s party. Don’t try to spend your day at bars trying to meet her because a woman has a million other things to do, other than you.

I know, I know. It’s not that good, but it demonstrates the majority of stereotypes that are associated with women. However, my main point is proven as a woman is shown as thankful, giving and caring human being. But instead of the woman being demonstrated as flirtatious, it’s the man that is the true flirt. It is offensive and rude to say this, but this is the same treatment that men give women. Many of them believe that a woman spends her entire time looking for mates. Well, this isn’t exactly the truth. Just look at me! Does it look like I’m trying to score a date by writing this? Heck no!

Well, that’s all for now. I hope you like it and please post comments! Your opinions are very valuable to me as they boost my skills as a blogger! Thank you :)

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