Women Are The Future And We Will Be Heard Whether You Like It Or Not | The Odyssey Online
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Women Are The Future And We Will Be Heard Whether You Like It Or Not

All powerful women have their own thoughts and opinions, which are usually formed by experience and research.

Woman Voting

Lately, I have been told that I'm fearless. Me, fearless? Yeah right. I have never thought of myself to be fearless because I'm literally nervous and scared about everything.

This made me think about why some people think I'm fearless. The only thing that I do without any question is be myself without second-guessing. I guess living in a world where most people aren't themselves makes me look fearless.

I'm unapologetically myself and I'm 100% okay with that. My mom taught me to be myself no matter what and that a lion doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of a lamb. I know what and who I am and that makes me confident in almost everything that I do.

I take up the space that I want. Whether that be physical space or the "air" I take up when I talk. Like everyone else, I deserve that space and I am more than willing to take mine.

Yet, I know when to give my space to other women who haven't had the opportunity to take up that space. I speak up for those who haven't yet uncovered their powerful voice. I will do anything in my power to help other women develop the confidence to take up the space that they too deserve.

My mom is a force to be reckoned with and I learned from her how to speak my mind without caring about what others have to say. I realized that many women were either raised to not say what they think or have lost the ability to speak their mind in this male-dominated society. Well, I for one think this is complete bull and I want to remind all of you just how capable all of us women are.

We are all powerful women who have our own thoughts and opinions which are usually formed by our experience and research. We are all smart women who have dedicated years of our lives to learning to help propel us forward in our careers and lives. We are all ambitious women who want to succeed and make a difference in the world.

With that being said, we need to refuse to accept the label as "one of the guys" in order to be treated fairly. We deserve better from our guy friends and we need to make it known. We are women who need to demand that we are treated fairly without being labeled "one of the guys".

We all have different paths in life and no matter which one you take, remember that you deserve anything and everything that you work for. Have you spent every night at the office for the last six months and have just earned a promotion? You deserve it without a doubt it and shouldn't feel like you don't deserve it because you aren't apart of the norm that receives promotions, aka "the boys club".

We shouldn't have to be on the outside looking in on the "boys club". We are equals in our careers and lives and we know what we are capable of. We are capable of more than you think.

We are capable of breaking down the walls of your "boys club". We are capable of making sure you know that we won't take no for an answer. We are capable of making the "boys club" into the "anyone who has worked their way here" club.

Along with that, we need to stop labeling other women a "b*tch" just because she speaks her mind. We don't have to agree with each other but show support for her speaking her mind since we all know how difficult it can be at times. Our voices are powerful when we all band together to show that our voices matter.

No matter the advice we get that we shouldn't go to grad school or that we don't need to have a career because we are women, we will rise. We will shatter that glass ceiling and be at the top of our fields, that used to be male-dominated. We will be the politicians leading America, the doctors healing America, and the best at whatever field we pursue.

We demand respect. We demand to be heard. We are the future and we aren't settling for this.

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