What do you mean you don't want kids?
Don't worry, you'll change your mind!
Aren't you a little young to make such a big decision?
And to all of these questions and comments, women all around the world have the same persuasive answer:
"It's none of your business!"
Whether it be on the red carpet, in a small country town, or in a crowded city, there seems to be a constant fear for women who don't want to have children. Despite the fact that having or not having children is a private matter that has nothing to do with anyone except the two people who are romantically involved, a lot of friends, family members, and strangers find it absolutely appalling that a young woman could have other goals in mind than to procreate.
For example, a lot of women choose to focus on their careers, some women focus on traveling and gaining experience, and as said before, some women just don't want kids!
Not only is this a personal matter, it also might be a very sensitive topic as some women have experienced health issues which may have caused them to be infertile. A lot of women also go through the tragedy of having a miscarriage, which can cause many horrible side effects such as depression, as well as dealing with the trauma from the miscarriage.
Other women are in same-sex partnerships and either don't want children, have been discriminated against in the adoption process, or are currently fighting through the adoption process. Or as I stated previously maybe it's none of your ding dang business what other people are doing with their bodies and lives.
There also is the chance that if a woman says she doesn't want kids, she actually doesn't want kids, because evidently, kids are sticky, stinky, and they cry... a lot. Not only that, but kids cost a lot of money, require a ton of time, and are in general a huge commitment.
Not everyone is required to make this huge commitment, and you questioning people about their choices is not going to do anything. Women having children is not an argument that anyone can win, it's a decision that requires personal thought.
No matter what, it's important to remember that you don't have to agree with someone. But if you want to maintain a relationship with them and not get mocked mercilessly by them, it's a good idea to respect their decision. There are a lot of things women can do besides have children, and for some women having kids is just not in the plan.
Other women balance kids, careers, and full schedules, and they love it. Every woman is different and has different wants; don't disrespect another's wants just because you choose differently or don't understand.
Women are allowed to love kids. Women are allowed to not want kids.