Woman’s Health by Dr. Torres | The Odyssey Online
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Woman’s Health by Dr. Torres

Every woman's health matters, and the provision of the best medical support through to menopause from adolescence is paramount. Dr. Torres OBGYN offers the best care under these areas, which includes family planning, preconception care, postpartum care, genetic testing and counseling, gynecology, and primary care. Secure and protect your mental and physical well-being.

Woman’s Health by Dr. Torres

Services Offered at the facility

Monalisa Touch, a laser procedure that is used to treat urinary incontinent and vaginal symptoms. It is a non-surgical procedure that can be done within a short time period. It helps relieve you from vaginal dryness, vaginal burning or pain, urinary incontinence, and vaginal itching.

Obstetrics, a medical specialty focusing on the childbearing circle, which includes pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum care. This ensures that all women have a positive pregnancy and childbirth. It takes care of the health and safety of the baby and the mother.

Contraception, also known as birth control, is the action you chose to prevent your egg from being fertilized by a man's sperm during sex. Certain contraceptives also prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Contraceptives can be categorized into three categories:

Those that use barrier methods physically prevent the sperm from fertilizing your egg.

Hormonal birth control, which uses medication containing progesterone and other hormones that regulate the ovulation process.

Natural birth control relies only on your actions and your partners.

Endometrial ablation, a procedure done to reduce or completely stop your menstrual flow. This is normally done if you experience very long periods or heavy bleeding during periods.

Hysterectomy, a surgical procedure that involves the removal of your internal reproductive organs, either entirely or partially. A partial hysterectomy is the removal of only your uterus, while a full one involves removing your uterus as well as other organs such as ovaries, fallopian tubes, or cervix.

High-risk obstetrics, when a pregnancy is considered high risk, and there are complications that threaten your life or health or that of your child. High-risk obstetrics addresses concerns minimizing the impact on both fetal and maternal health.

In-office hysteroscopy, a procedure that allows the doctor to examine your uterus and cervix. It can also be used to treat some gynecologic issues. Hysteroscopy is advised if you have severe menstrual cramps, you experience heavy periods, you have had miscarriages, or you have trouble getting pregnant.

Vaginal revitalization is the use of tempSure vitalia radio frequency technology, which, without any surgery or downtime, tightens vaginal tissues. It heats the tissue, stimulating cologne production, which improves circulation.

Skin tightening, which is a necessary natural aging process, causes your skin to be thinner, which slows down the production of cologne and elastin.

Body contouring, this treatment also addresses loose skin and unsightly cellulite. It works by heating tissues in the deep layers of your skin.

Hormonal replacement therapy, which is done when your body produces little or too much of any type of hormone.

Talk to a Specialist Today

You deserve the best health care offered by Suncoast women's care. Contact Dr. Torres to schedule an appointment.

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