The woman I want to be…
The woman I want to be and I am today is the different than the woman I was yesterday.
The woman I want to be for my future husband is the woman I am improving on each and every day.
The woman I want to be will seek a relationship founded on faith and trust in God’s plans for the future ahead of them.
The woman I want to be shines bright with resilience and lives life with exuberating joy day in and day out.
The woman I want to be will not give up when things get difficult, but will fight for love every step of the way.
The woman I want to be will seek Christ before seeking her husband.
The woman I want to be is more than I think I can truly be.
The woman I want to be will always look to God for the answer before looking to herself or others.
The woman I want to be will be content with God’s plan for her life and will try and hold back from planning, but instead trust in His plan for her.
The woman I want to be will walk in strength and confidence in her body not being influenced by what society says is beautiful, but being reminded that Gods made her beautifully the way she is.
The woman I want to be will take care of the temple she was given on this earth and will respect it with the food she uses to nourish it and the activities she chooses to energize it.
The woman I want to be will never let her husband feel unsure or uncertain, but will always remind him how much he means to her, because words are a gift from God that can be used to share the amount of love someone holds for another.
The woman I want to be may not the woman I am today, but the woman I am today is one step closer than I was yesterday.
I am not perfect, but have many imperfections that make me, me. The woman I am and the woman I want to be can work together to become a woman that my future husband deserves.