I recently read an article on the Odyssey by a young woman who goes by Youfoundbri33 titled, "I'm a Woman who Supports Trump, Get Over It." In the article, Youfoundbri33 states that as a woman and millennial who supports Donald Trump, she feels as though she lives in a battlefield and the world believes that she is supporting "the enemy."
Youfoundbri33 begins her article by telling us that Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election, and then suggesting that the rest of us simply "get over it." She then goes on to bemoan the number of protests that have occurred since President Trump's election, and then states that she supports Donald Trump because she expects him to fulfill his promises. She states "I want him to Make America Great Again, bringing back American jobs, protecting our citizens and reuniting our country."
However, she makes no effort to explain exactly how Trump plans to achieve any of these goals, and apparently fails to recognize that those of us who are critical of President Trump would also like to see him improve the American economy, protect Americans, and reunite the nation. We simply do not believe that he is able to do any of these things.
The problem is that Donald Trump's plans for improving the economy and bringing back jobs have been shown to be detrimental to the United States and the globe over time. This includes his decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, and his attempts at returning coal jobs to the United States. In addition, by stating that Trump plans to protect American citizens, Youfoundbri33 seems to be implying that he plans to protect the citizens from non-citizens, an idea that stems from the racist anti-immigrant rhetoric that got Trump elected in the first place.
This brings us to the idea that Donald Trump will somehow reunite the country, even though he ran the most divisive campaign in modern history. How can a man who attacked people because of their religion and place of origin, and mocked others because of their gender, appearance, and disabilities, be expected to bring a country together? Donald Trump ran a campaign of ignorance and division, and to suggest otherwise is willful ignorance at best.
In the end, Youfoundbri33 makes no mention of Donald Trump's many insulting statements and attitudes towards women, nor does she mention the multiple sexual harassment lawsuits filed against the President. It would appear that like the 51 percent of white women who voted for Donald Trump, she made her decision, and has chosen to stick with it, regardless of its consequences for her and other women.
No human being with a conscience should support Donald Trump and his policies, especially not a woman who wishes to someday be taken seriously within her career. We can and should wish Donald Trump success as president because his success benefits us, but to fully support the statements and decisions he has made so far takes this too far.
Youfoundbri33 and all the other women who voted for Donald Trump last November might have had legitimate reasons for making that decision, but I have not yet heard any that are convincing enough to counteract his blatant contempt for women.
If you ever do read this, Youfoundbri33, I would love to hear a response from you. Maybe you can help me see things from your point of view.