Shown here for the first time is a pregnant woman while she is seven weeks pregnant. This picture is part of an exploratory trial where scientists (and the media) were desperate and decided to waste their time focusing on women. The aforementioned woman just found out that she was pregnant since most women discover that they are pregnant between weeks four and seven. Believe it or not, there is not a motherly instinct that starts as soon as an ovum is fertilized. When pregnancy begins, like an illness, it takes some times for symptoms to show.
Upon discovering she was pregnant, Janet opened her medicine cabinet and decided that if she were to overdose on something, she would probably still look like a murderer albeit a more tragic one than a woman who just went and got an abortion. At least then people could say she was depressed or something, and clearly not a sociopath who ruthlessly tore their child limb from limb from their own body. Had she killed herself, Janet would not have been seen as a selfish whore who couldn’t keep her pants on until marriage. She would have been seen as a heartbroken mother who was unaware of her resources. Though that seemed like a much better alternative, in the end Janet decided that she was not quite ready to be dead, but that she would keep it in mind if this situation got any more difficult.
Janet was a graduate student, a sister, and a friend. And now, as she has discovered she is pregnant, she will just become the pregnant woman. Janet is no longer Janet, she is Janet and she is pregnant. . She can no longer make decisions on her own account, everyone from priests to politicians to suburban mothers on Facebook who think that they know what she is going through will be telling her what she should be doing.
Obviously, it doesn’t matter that Pregnant Janet is three semesters away from having her dream degree and having a baby would severely lower her chances of finishing it. It especially doesn’t matter that the man who impregnated her (she is a woman and does do everything wrong, yes, but she is biologically unable to impregnate herself) broke up with her three weeks ago, and she is confident that he would not help her raise the child even if he hadn’t ended their relationship. All that matters is that she alone is now responsible for a precious human life, and it is her sole responsibility to take care of this human life, since it is inside of her body.
And since its her body that it’s inside of, she will have to answer all of the questions while the whole neighborhood tries to answer them for her. Should she keep the baby? If she does, should she breast feed it? Then the important questions will arise: does she want a boy or girl more, and when will she find out what it is. Her friends and family know whether to buy her cheap blue onesies with trucks or cheap pink onesies featuring floral patterns, as they wouldn’t want the baby to face the unforgiveable shame of wearing an onesie that is the wrong color upon being released from the hospital.
Of course, if Pregnant Janet doesn’t want anyone’s advice, then she should keep her trap shut and face it on her own, like an adult. Even though she’ll probably feel more isolated than she ever has in her entire life and will likely cry herself to sleep on several occasions, she will at least get to contemplate pregnancy and possibly overdosing in (some) peace.