There is one person that I turn to for everything I need to know about life. That person would be my mom. She always has an answer for me, even if it's not the answer I want to hear. There come times when she doesn't have an answer for me, but she always gets the answer and gets it to me. My mom is one of my best friends and I know I can talk to her about absolutely anything. She has always had my back and I know that she always will.
Sometimes I take my mom for granted, just as I'm sure most people do every now and then. We don't realize what that woman would do for us or to protect us. I can't really say much for moms because I'm not one yet, but I do know that my mom tells me all the time that her kids are her world. She raised all four of her children to be respectful to everyone. Say Ma'am, Sir, please, thank-you, bless you, excuse me and always use our manners. There is not a day that goes by that I don't do each one of these, because my mom raised me to.
Moms are supposed to support you in life. They are supposed to be your cheerleader when you play sports, or root for you in your academics. My mom was at every softball, volleyball, soccer, and basketball game she could make it to and if not she always wished me luck before we played. She was always on top of me about my grades. I wouldn't say she was hard on me about my grades, but she definitely knew I could do better if I put my mind to it and tried harder. Because she was there to cheer me on in sports I enjoyed playing and it wasn't about winning or being the best on the team. And because she stayed on me about my grades, I finished High School with a good resume to get me into a couple of great Universities.
My mom also cheers me on while I chase my dreams. My college career hasn't been a normal one. I'm now in my third school and on my fourth major. I change my mind a lot, but my mom is always there to support me. She has questioned me on things but she always jumps on board and supports me anyway. I'm sure I have upset her on some decisions I have made in my life, but those are not the things she remembers. She is always reminding me that she is proud of me and that she loves me. I really have no idea where I would be without the support she gives me. Even if I don't go far in life I know I will always have her support and love. No, she is not perfect, but I have to say that God designed the best mom to raise me and love me. I wouldn't be the woman I am today without her. I love her so much and I thank God for her each and every day, even the days when we don't get along. I love you mom!