Before I start, I would like to point out that I as an American citizen have the right to free speech and unlike many of my fellow Americans, I believe that what a woman does to her body is her own business. I also understand that everyone has their own opinion on topics and that everyone's has their own beliefs. However, this is strictly me forming my opinion on recent news I have seen, and read.
These types of decisions and bills on abortion affect how our society progresses and makes us ask the question, will we evolve or devolve? So I ask you, the pro-lifer, ready to dig into me typing away at the comment section "All life is precious in gods eyes," hear what I have to say, and the many interested in what I have to say, please keep an open mind when doing so.
According to recent news, Alabama, Ohio, Georgia, Mississippi, and possibly many other states are in the process of passing, if they have not already passed, laws restricting abortion and almost banning it altogether. These laws are infringing on the same rights listed In Roe Vs. Wade. Passed in 1973.
The court case Roe Vs. Wade allows women to have access to legal, and safe abortions. Before the case, many women were having unsafe and illegal abortions in any secretive place for an outrageous amount of money and would die or become injured from unclean instruments used and the occasional unqualified medical personnel. If they didn't have the money or even access to such procedure they would take matters into their own hands often trying to induce a miscarriage.
Everyone screaming for justice should scream for the many women raped around the country who died from unsafe, unclean and illegal procedures, or from failure to get one done resulting in loss of both mother and fetus.
Many women who go to get abortions are screamed at by many 'righteous' people outside of clinics. Some people aren't proud of their decision to terminate a pregnancy sometimes even devastated to find out that they have to, and some don't regret a thing and believe it was the best decision to make at the time.
The women who want to keep their children but can't due to medical or even financial reasons don't always want to end their pregnancies, nor are they these cold-blooded killers everyone paints them as. They are human beings like everyone else on this planet and have feelings. Everything depends on the situation and the person, abortion is not a black and white situation, there are many grey areas involved, which no one has the right to take that option away from a woman and their specific situation.
If a woman was raped, she should be able to get an abortion without having to file a police report. She shouldn't have to be forced to carry the child to full term if she doesn't want to, and if her rapist will only get a few months in prison just to get out and do it to another woman, what is the point in even filing a police report?
Let's say a woman does carry out an unwanted pregnancy, that child will go into foster care. Where that child could be put through some of the most mentally trying situations known to mankind. Not to mention the child could even age out and never have a home, or family to call theirs.
I'm not saying everyone has a bad life in foster care and as I said, it deals with the situation and occasionally even luck. However, the older you are in foster care the harder it is to get adopted which could very well result in the worst case scenario of homelessness. If the woman was to keep the baby, she'd need help from the government. However, nowadays everyone is trying to cut funding for things like food stamps and many other finical aids lower-income families need to get by.
Today in our society as a woman, I feel less human. I see that so many people preach about God's will when talking about abortion, or even birth control. But these 'Christians' fail to remember to keep church and state separate, and if you must involve YOUR god, then make sure to include every other religion's god/gods/goddesses because after all solely basing your opinion based on your faith rather than the health and rights of all women across America is downright wrong.
A collective group of predominately old white males shouldn't be the ones dealing with what happens to a woman's body (I.e. birth control, getting tubes tied, abortions) because they of all races and genders have it easy. Men can leave a pregnant woman, but a woman can't decide she doesn't want a child? After birth control failed, after the morning after pill failed, or the condom broke she can't walk away but the male can? Sounds a bit biased.
I have had enough feeling inhuman and have been sickened by the hypocrisy in today's system. No one's forcing you to get an abortion so if you aren't at the clinic booking a consultation, or going through the procedure; it doesn't concern you. If you don't like the idea of an abortion, then don't get one.
So take your religion out of health care and legislature, because nothing is getting done with your "thoughts and prayers."