When I was born, there was one thing that my dad wanted to make sure of: that I would be named Julia Leigh after you, Janet Lee. For nearly 20 years I've proudly carried your middle name and have loved having that special tie to you -- a permanent reminder that I'm Grandma's girl. I got a lot more from you than just your name, though.
When I was little my favorite snack was cheese cubes, so Grandpa always made sure he had some in the fridge when I was around. When I was two you taught me to go up to Grandpa and stomp my foot and say, "Cheese, Grandpa! Cheese, Grandpa!" when I wanted some. My mom, of course, was horrified by this, so you made sure I knew that I was only allowed to do that at your house. Fortunately for my parents, I listened to you, but I certainly still have a little bit of spunk in me that I think I might be able to thank you for.
As I got older it became clear that I also got your shopping habits. This means that I can spend hours combing through stores and still leave empty-handed if I don't find just the right thing (something that drives both of my parents crazy). I always looked forward to visiting you because I knew we'd have a girls' day out doing our favorite thing together.
Most importantly, you showed me what true strength and courage is. For 12 years you battled ovarian cancer, but you never let it slow you down. You defied the odds that the doctors gave you and fought back with unbelievable positivity and dignity. I never once heard you complain, and I can only hope that I inherited half of that strength.
I sure am glad that those doctors were wrong and that I had about seven more years with you than I was supposed to have, but that, of course, still wasn't enough. I look forward to the day when I can be like you, living the good life in the Florida sunshine and having 4 o'clock cocktails every day.
I miss you already, Grandma.