I love sports. I love learning more about them, watching them, playing them. I live and breathe sports (especially NC State Athletics, Go Pack!). I could watch sports and sports' analysis all day and never get bored.
As a woman though, sometimes people don’t understand this. Why do I not enjoy cooking shows more than sports? Why don’t I want to binge HGTV? Because I would rather be watching SportsCenter and that’s okay.
I grew up in a household where both my mama and dad loved watching sports and especially football. From a young age, I was encouraged by both of my parents to pursue things I wanted and sports was one of them.
Growing up, both my parents taught me a lot about sports and I fell in love with it. Having games and coverage on television all the time really helped too.
There is a stigma around women who enjoy sports. That it isn’t normal, that women only pretend to enjoy them for a man or that they don’t actually understand what is going on. All of these can be false and are definitely insulting.
Throughout my life I have experienced the weird looks and skepticism of people thinking I don't know what I am talking about.
I have also had people tell me I am “wrong” or “don’t know what I am talking about” and then the situation turns up I was right. This can be humbling but doesn’t normally end with “I’m sorry,” coming from them.
I have chosen to pursue a career in sports with my degree. I have worked multiple jobs and internships covering sports and still do not always get the credit for doing so.
Sports are something I grew up around and have learned to love just like other hobbies. Other people are not often criticized for their hobby, so why should women be criticized for their choice to enjoy sports?