As you may have heard by now, the governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, signed a bill called HEA 1337 that denies women the choice to have an abortion because of ethnicity, disabilities and/ or sex. It also says that if a woman is considering an abortion, she must first get an ultrasound to see the baby and hear its heart beat.
In addition if a physician performs an abortion because of any of the aforementioned restricted reasons their medical license could be suspended or retracted. Honestly, as a pro-lifer I was overjoyed to hear the news, another win for the unborn babies! I thought of all the unborn baby girls who never got the chance to live because their parents wanted a boy instead, I thought of all of the unborn babies with down syndrome, spina bifida, and other birth defects who had the right to live just like I did, but was denied it because they were seen as less than.
I thought of the fact that black children are aborted almost four times the rate of white children, reports in "The Case Against Abortion." In all actuality abortion is a form of genocide, most of the minorities in the US are women, nonwhite, and disabled, the same kinds of unborn children murdered by way of abortion every single day in America, the same kind of unborn babies that are protected by this law.
There has been a lot of outrage about this law that was secretly passed right under our noses because it robs women of their choice to abort their unborn babies if they don't want a child with that ethnicity, gender, or a disability. News outlets and pro-choice websites are saying women in Indiana barely have any rights because of this law, Nuvo has even went as far as to say the death of women's rights has taken place in Indiana.
What I don't understand is why my right to have a choice is more important than an unborn child's right to live. I can't speak as if I'm a mother because I'm not one, therefore, I can only speak about my experience with my own mother and of my own romanticized ideals of motherhood. Even still, motherhood-and parenthood in general- was about sacrifice and love among a lot of other things I always thought that a mother would sacrifice her pride because the government didn't allow her to choose what she wanted to do with her own body for her own child. My problem with the bill is that the unborn baby's tissue can't be used for scientific purposes, but has to be cremated or disposed of in another humane manner.
The real problem isn't the pro-life or pro-choice debate, it is America's mindset about parenthood. As a teen, we are told that being a parent would ruin our lives in an attempt to scare us away from pregnancy and sex while as adults parenthood is depicted as this stage in life where a parent is no longer able to have fun. Who wouldn't want to abort an unborn baby if they felt like their life would be ruined and they wouldn't be able to have fun for eighteen years?
Another thing we would have to change is the way schools educate about sex, abstinence only education does not work while some teens will take heed and listen to the advise others will get curious and without proper knowledge, condoms, and birth control more abortions will continue to occur. Our job as a community should be to fight to protect people from pregnancy before they actually have an unborn child to think about because as much as we don't want to believe it, every decision we make good or bad has a consequence.
A baby is something a person should cherish and be proud of this is someone who has some of your traits, your smile, your compassion, your eyes, the same sense of humor, or that same corky laugh, they're not just a blob of cells they are so much more than that.