All my life, I would feel like I had to do everything for everyone or I would not be happy. I was a people pleaser. I also tend to think that if I was not doing something productive every single moment of my life, then I was considered a failure not only to myself but to my family. I would constantly look at my resume to see how successful my life is--and I cannot think that way anymore. I am 21 now, and it's taken me until now to realize that I cannot do everything.
No one is perfect.
I know that there are people out in the world that probably feel the same ways as I do. Well, I want all of them to remember that they are still incredible people who can do amazing things.
We get so tangled in life and try to accomplish so much that it puts a pull on us. We feel the weight of the world and a lot of us, including myself, begin to panic.
That is okay. We are okay.
Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew. So, I would advise to take a step back, look at all the things you are doing, and decide which things are actually good for you--and which you're doing for someone else.
In our twenties, these are the times to be selfish. This is the time to go out into the world and figure out what you want. Sometimes that means you break hearts, turn down some jobs, even pick up a new way of thinking. That is all alright. Like Wonder Woman, she has her strengths and her weaknesses are hidden, but she strives every day to make the world better.
Right now, I need you to praise your strengths, understand your own weaknesses, cut out what is weighing you down, in order to make your own world better.
You do that, as I will do the same.