10 Reasons Being A Woman Is A Blessing And A Curse | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Being A Woman Is A Blessing And A Curse

"9. Questioning our existence CONSTANTLY"

10 Reasons Being A Woman Is A Blessing And A Curse
Photo by Jamie Brown on Unsplash

Ladies lest face it, sometimes we all hate and love being a woman! We love to be women because we do get a lot more leniency than men. But, we also have to deal with emotional and physical problems that men don't have. So sit back, relax, and learn about the good the bad and the ugly.



Alright ladies and gents, you knew it was going to come up and I made it the first topic on purpose. Women are emotional creatures, but it doesn't get any worse then when it is "mother natures" time for us. That's right... PERIODS. We are allowed to be emotional because we are are fertile and our uterus is still in check. END OF STORY

2. The need for attention


We crave for attention. Even when we say we want to be alone we are wishing that someone was with us that could comfort us in our times of need. When girls say "I'm fine" we REALLY aren't and that's coming from a girls point of view. So men, next time a girl comes up to talk to you and is engaging in a conversation either talk to them or let them down easy... we don't want to wait for nothing!

3. Getting things that we want... and fast


Whether these "things" be materialistic, emotional, or even physical. WE WANT WHAT WE WANT... AND IMMEDIATELY! We are very impatient, even though we might say we aren't. We definitely use the female card when we can, especially when it comes to free drinks, discounts, and men!

4. Falling in love fully


Women are suckers for love. We love romantic movies, simple gestures, cute caring people, and falling in love with the right person! We tend to use every part of our body when we fall for someone that we are and love for. It is very draining for us, but we overcompensate because we would rather experience this chance in life.

5. Knowing your body and emotions as you get older


I feel like your mom is always the person you went to as you grew and your body changed. She helped you shave your legs, with your period problems, cramping, heartbreaks, and love. I still to this day, at the age of 23, text or call my mom and ask her for advice about a guy or if I am thinking something is wrong with my body. They will always be there for you but, at the end of the day, you're the one who knows your best!

6. Crying... all the time


When we get periods, we are always emotional. Even when we aren't though we still cry and that's totally okay. I cry over romantic movies, dog movies, school, homework, boys, girl drama, work struggles, and everything else in my life that I am forgetting. Just except yourself for who you are. Be raw and one with yourself; never apologize for being emotional.

7. Close friendships with your girlfriends


You need those amazing girlfriends around you that hype you up and give you badass compliments! They are always going to be there for you even if you have a silly fight or decide you want to "be alone" some nights. Close friendships are a must, especially in your 20's, because we have so many emotions and s#!t happening.

8. Getting hurt easily


No woman ever wants to hear the cliche "we need to talk" or the breakup conversation. It hurts our hearts to see others in so much pain, sometimes. But, in this situation we never want the other person to be held up in something that they don't want to be in. As my mom told me, "You want be with with the other person because they make you happy, but you are not in charge of their happiness".

9. Questioning our existence CONSTANTLY


I can relate to this number more than any other, Girls are very self-conscious and are always on our own asses to be the epitome of "perfect". Girls lets face it, we always judge ourselves and will never stop, even if we are happy. "My thighs are too big, I have acne, I'm getting fat, He's too good for me". Stop thinking these things because confidence is sexy, stop questioning it!

10. Kicking the world's ass one day at a time


Although we are faced with all of these setbacks in the world we are still able to wake up in the morning and kick the world's ass. Everyday is a new days and we have the chance to impact our lives for the better. Think positively, love yourself (emotionally and physically), and to just be a bitchin' chick!

Even though being a girl is difficult we are still some of the strongest people I know. Somedays can be difficult but like I said above be grateful to be alive and healthy. Fight for who you want to be and what you think a woman deserves to be known as. Be proud to be a woman even though we have a lot of crap to take in on a daily basis. I hope this empowers you to go out into the world with a positive attitude.

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