Do you remember what it was like to be 13-years-old? More likely than not, it probably wasn't the best year of your life. I'm sure you wish you had someone to feed you all the advice that you've learned as you grew older
I asked 20 beautiful, brave, resilient and intelligent women what advice would they give their 13-year-old selves. This is their advice.
"You can't stop the clock. You won't be 13 forever. Start now to make choices that future you would be proud of."
"Life definitely gets better, everything happens for a reason, and don't take everything so seriously. The best things are yet to come."
"Listen more, speak less. God has a very unique and perfect plan for you. And you will never be able to predict- so don't even try."
When you forget your worth don't compromise yourself for fleeting affirmation. Be it in a friendship or in a dating relationship."
"You're not lesser of a kid because you don't own brand name clothes. It's not about what you own or the cool stuff that you have that defines your value. Being weird will soon become your best quality, it's your corky fun, "I could careless what you think of me" personality that will soon draw people towards you."
"Life is precious, so approach each day with confidence, grace and strength. Also, love yourself passionately, never forgetting the beauty God created you to possess."
"Participate in activities at school! Audition for the play, and don't let your fear of failure hold you back! "
"Do not worry about your weight! It's just a number and shouldn't be your main focus! As you grow your weight shift, it changes throughout the day which is totally normal, and it shouldn't be the biggest stressor in your life at 13 years old."
"Be proud of your physical features that make you unique because everyone is different and self expression shouldn't be suppressed due to insecurities"
"Your worth does not lie in the opinions and words of your friends. Find someone who is older and wiser to speak truth into your life."
"The woman you're becoming will cost you people, relationships, spaces and material things. Choose her over everything."
"It's okay to listen to all your friend's moms that you hang around with, who are always teaching you and sharing with you and giving you good advice. It's okay not to do the things the older girls get into. It's okay to be brave and walk away and not worry about what the 15 and 16-year-old girls think of you. It is good that you love hanging around your mom and dad and that you respect them too. Lastly, it is okay to be who God made you to be. It's okay to be you."