You know what really makes my f…ing blood boil? Pathological liars. Why do people lie? A lot of people expressed to me that individuals lie out of fear, fear of the truth or fear of being found out. Before I continue, let me make this known. I am mostly straightforward, but sometimes I know I can be abrasively honest. I am unapologetically me. Moving on.
Someone close to me once told me that everyone lies. Even the way people define what a lie is differs from individual to individual. It made me think and ask a lot of questions. Throughout your journey here on Earth, has anyone ever made you think and start questioning life? The last time this happened to me, I was a child. At that time in my life I realized that people are not what they say they are; there are a lot of “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” This new perspective changed my life! Seventeen years later, I have a tough skin and an intensely accurate judge of character. Over the years, I have noticed that some individuals are like open-books and easy to read. Others, are not so easy to read. But, that is for a later article.
So, what is the big deal about lying? Police officers and detectives are always deceiving perps to get more information, or to get to the truth of the matter to solve the case. Employees lie to their bosses when their late for work, their “train delays” on a weekly basis, or how about the poor family member who died three times in the same month? Parents lie to their children to protect their innocence. I get it, some lies are not all that bad.
“I’d rather be hurt by the truth, than protected by a lie.” I am not sure who said this, I searched far and wide for the writer of this quote. However, when I saw it a few weeks ago, it stuck with me. A lie is a lie. A lie coming from someone in my inner circle is painful. It hurts. A lot. My past experiences have left me with a lot of trust issues, so lie to me once and I put a huge metaphorical scarlet “L” on your chest. Am I being too harsh? Unfair? Some say I should dig deeper into my past experiences, and conquer those “trust issue” demons. I am a woman of many layers. Trust issues is in one of those many layers. They have helped me scrutinize people more diligently, especially those people who at first glance seemed good to go. They also made me aware of how overly protective I am of myself. Mamma always said, “You have got to protect yourself out there, no one is responsible for yourself, but you.”
Mamma did not raise a fool.
Can you dig it?!