Ahh, summer. Time to unwind from a hectic school year, kick back on the beach, and...take summer classes?!
Sometimes summer classes are a necessary evil. Maybe you failed a class last semester (it was the teacher's fault!) or perhaps you are trying to get some of those nasty required classes out of the way (art appreciation? SERIOUSLY?!) Whatever the case may be, kudos to you for using your time wisely. I myself will be trudging through a few classes this summer, and in an effort to procrastinate my work further, I have compiled a list of thoughts every summer-class-victim has:
1. When you first contemplate taking a summer class:
2. But then you realize you really should:
3. You feel pretty confident when you register for the class:
4. ...until you take a look at the syllabus.
5. You may have to turn down plans to finish an assignment:
6. Or miss a party to take a test:
7. What about when you have to miss a beautiful beach day to do a project?
8. You will likely be questioning why you subjected yourself to this torture:
9. But stick with it; it will be worth it in the long run, and you'll get to the beach soon enough!