As a broke college student, I looked for a job to support me when I decided to get off the meal plan (mistake number one). The easiest job was a popular local fast food place that was about to open up a new building nearby, so I applied and got hired. Now I work at the one at home over summers for coffee money. I shall leave them nameless (started in Statesboro and their logo is a chicken), but here are some things that cashiers everywhere on drive-thru duty can relate to.
1. Being at the window and no one turns off the windshield wipers.
If you've never taken money during a thunderstorm, you don't know the struggle. Those wipers slap you with water every time you open the window. There's a reason the person giving you the food is only sticking their arm out.
2. "Would you like boneless or traditional wings?" "Yes."
I love getting yes to a question that shouldn't actually be answered with yes or no. We can't read your minds, y'all. It's not a difficult question. Otherwise, we pick for you.
3. Not making eye contact.
This one is just rude. Don't stare straight ahead and pass us the money like it's a drug deal or stare at your phone the entire time. Acknowledge our existence, please.
4. Truck engines.
We can't hear you if you have a big engine that makes a lot of noise. Chances are we're struggling to hear your order. Just turn it off when you get to the speaker so your food and drinks are correct the first time around. We appreciate it when you do and you're not complaining to the manager.
5. "Would you like to try our *insert promotion here*?" *silence*
Again, we can't read minds. If you hear a voice but don't know what you want, just say you need a minute. It's better than no answer because sometimes we can't actually see if there's a car at the speaker. People drive through and keep going sometimes, we'll just assume that's what you did.
6. If you've never been somewhere, just go inside. Please.
We have a timer going as soon as a car drives up to the speaker. Typically, the goal is 3.5 minutes or less. If you've never seen the menu before, please just go inside. Don't sit in the drive-through for 10 minutes. It messes up our goal time, the managers get annoyed, and you just wait longer for your food because it still has to get prepared. Things like this are why it's actually faster to go inside some days.
7. Know what kind of food the place serves.
You will not get seafood or burgers at a chicken restaurant. I have been asked for a cheeseburger and a shrimp salad before. At different times. This really happens. Neither are on the menu.
8. Know when the restaurant closes.
We are not going to be moving very fast to get you your food 20 minutes before we close because the kitchen starts closing down at a certain time. They have the most to do after closing and no one wants to stay behind two hours after the store closes. Don't complain if it takes us a half hour to get your food to you. Fast food isn't fast before closing.
9. Make sure the people in your car aren't loud.
If you and your friends roll through at the speaker with the music blasting and all of you laughing and yelling, we won't hear what you want. You'll get asked a bunch of questions to make sure it's right and all that does is annoy everyone involved. Don't be that person.
10. Adding food at the window is not that simple.
Especially if it's a grilled cheese sandwich or 60 wings. Food takes time to cook. A cup of water is one thing, but a whole new meal is another. We all hate when this happens. Save us the anxiety.
11. Not paying attention after a car drives off.
Sometimes the car at the window gets their food and leaves, but whoever is behind them is too distracted to notice and pull up. Yes, we are staring at you through the window, waiting for you to notice. If little kids are told to pay attention, you should too.
12. In our store, there is no "buffalo" or "hot" sauce.
Seriously, this is another thing that could be solved by just looking at the menu first. We are a unique store. There is a mild and three different levels of hot. I highly recommend you know what you're ordering.
13. Make sure you speak up and are close enough to the speaker.
Don't yell, but you can't really mumble either. This is another case of not being able to hear and having to ask a thousand questions. Spare us all or just come in. It will go quicker, I promise.
14. Giving over a dollar in change is just mean.
We have to stand there and count it and if you drive off before we finish and it's wrong, the difference comes out of our paycheck. You can get rid of your change at other places, it doesn't have to be all at once.
15. Not pulling up all the way when you have a wait on your food.
All this does is block in the cars behind you. Usually, we tell you to pull around to the other side of the building or point to a parking spot, not just pull up to the end of the drive-through lane. Pay attention to where the sidewalk actually ends and if there are people behind you. If there are, just pull up farther.
It seems like a lot but all of these are just little things. Little things pile up and when they all happen in one shift (and they do) back-talk happens when the window is closed. We get sassy sometimes, but we're just doing our job by serving a hundred people like you. Be aware and make that job a little bit easier. We notice when you're polite and considerate and it makes our day. Don't make us think about giving you real Coke when you asked for a Diet.