If you're one of the 45 percent of Americans who suffer from sleeping problems (like me), then I recommend you try listening to podcasts while trying to sleep. Don't have sleeping problems and just want to get into a new hobby that won't take up your time because you can do it almost everywhere you go? Then I recommend you try listening to podcasts.
I love falling asleep to music, podcasts or audio books. It's a great way to relax yourself, get rid of stress and personally it just helps me fall asleep faster. If you're looking for a place to start, a good first step is to download the podcast app on iTunes (free of charge) and read about this podcast called Within The Wires.
Recently the creators of my favorite podcast, Welcome To Night Vale, (WTNV for short) have released the first season of Within The Wires which has tied for first place in my heart with WTNV. This podcast is extremely well written, well executed and addicting (I have found myself re--listening to at least an episode almost every night). The people at Night Vale Presents have an extraordinary talent for creating art with a medium that is audibly relaxing and exciting all at the same time.
The podcast itself starts off with a seemingly normal and relaxing voice of a British woman who is creating cassettes for someone in a place called "The Institute." She gives you, the listener, instructions, lectures and stories based on the subject of the title of the episodes. For example, the first episode is called "Cassette 1: Stress, Shoulders," so she talks about stress in life and the movement of shoulders. I can't go into many details about the events of the podcast due to fear of saying too many spoilers.
Just know there is a story line, characters and depth in the form of relaxation cassettes from an utopia where nobody knows violence, and brothers and sisters do not exist. It's a love story and a thriller that also seem to be calming. (How that is possible, I will never know. Good job podcast guys, you rock).
The first ten cassettes from Within The Wires have helped me relax and sleep at night while also keeping me on my toes for what is going to happen next. I only hope the second season of the podcast comes out soon because I'm starting to get withdrawals! Thankfully I have the bimonthly releases of WTNV to keep me satisfied. To close, a little open message to the people at Night Vale Presents: thank you for helping my sleep patterns become normal and giving me neat stories that I fall in love with instantly.