Let me be honest, I can't say I'm a fan of either candidate. I feel like this election is going to be one of those that when people ask us about it, we tell them that we don't talk about that anymore. We will dread it when it is put into history books and our kids come home and tell us what they learned, because it's going to make it into the history books no matter who wins. Hillary Clinton would be the first female president and Trump will be the first man of his kind to be the president. While I do identify as a moderate, I want Hillary to win this election. Trump cannot win. It would reflect so badly on us as a nation.
So here is why I am voting for Hillary Clinton:
1. She's against taking away my rights as a woman
Anyone who is okay with Roe v. Wade being overturned is very obviously against women's rights. No one gets to control my body and what I do with it. If I want an abortion, then I'm going to have one. End of any discussion with anyone besides my current partner(s). You don't get a say. Stay out of my uterus. They are going to happen whether they are legal or not. And to touch on late term abortions, please hush with the outrage. Most late term abortions happen because the mother's life is in danger or the baby has passed away. And let's be real. forcing a woman to be a human coffin is absurd.
2. Hillary does not promote rape culture.
Let's get this straight, right here and right now, Trump promotes rape culture and calls it locker room talk. No, absolutely not. How can people, especially women, be okay with this? No way. By defending his comments, you are further victimizing sexual assault victims. You are allowing their attackers to get away with it by saying they are lying, they deserved it and that you don't believe them. Someone else doing similar things does not mean he isn't really that bad. You act like you are okay with sexual abuse. You shouldn't be- no one should be. A potential president should NOT be complicit in any of this. How is that okay? It's not. That's why I choose Hillary.
3. Guns
I am all for people being able to have guns, but gun violence has gone up so much out of anger, racism or even just kids getting their hands on their parents' gun. There needs to be safety and people need to be taught those measures. There needs to be more rules on buying so we can make sure the gun is going to someone who knows what to do with it. There needs to be more education.
4. Immigration
Hillary knows there needs to be some immigration reform, but she is not wanting to build a wall. She understands that the United States is a melting pot and that we are here for refugees. There is no need for isolationism and xenophobia. We aren't willingly harboring criminals, but if someone needs a place to go we are here because most of us still believe in "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
These are a few of the many reasons. We all need to cut the bull. We have to make a stand for what is right and not allow people to continually get away with things that are not okay. We need to come together for this, or it will never stop. We need to be solidified, as a nation not divided. The two party system is awful, but it is all we have right now.