January 20, 2017 is a day that will go down in history for the 45th time since the beginning of the United States. Eyes are wide open and carefully watching as the rule of our great nation is handed over from 44th President Barack Obama to 45th President Donald Trump. I am among many who are nervous to see what this transition will hold. I feel like this could all go really well, or really badly.
As President Trump starts his journey, I have a few things that I really hope he will do. I am by no means a big fan or supporter of this man, but I want him to do well and surprise those who do not believe in him fully. Myself included, I hope President Trump proves our doubts wrong; because in the end no one wants to see a nation divided.
I hope that President Trump does not forget about and mistreat the middle and lower classes. I recognize that he does not have issues with money, but he needs to realize that a large chunk of the population does. He cannot ignore the majority. The middle and low class citizens make up a lot of the work force, and they matter just as much as any rich folk. I may not be able to buy my way into something, but my voice is equal to a wealthy person.
Lastly, I hope with everything I have, that he can open his heart to people of different ethnicities, races, genders, sexuality, religion, and social class. The least he can do is learn to respect people and their differences. He is guaranteed to meet all kinds of people with diverse backgrounds during his time in office. The citizens of the United States should not feel hated or belittled by the person who runs the country that is built off of the view that each person is equal.
I hope that these three goals I mentioned can be accomplished within Trump’s presidency. Some people may be thinking that I am too optimistic or kind. However, I do not see the harm in giving this man a chance. This especially makes sense because we cannot change the fact that he is our President now.
Good luck, President Trump. Please respect every citizen in the United States, and I hope that in return they will gain respect for you. I genuinely hope you do a good job while in office. Most of all, please do not make me, or others, regret giving you a chance when we could just be against you like a lot of other people.