Today might be your birthday, but it is a very special day for me too. Today is the day my best friend came into this world. If it weren't for today, and you being here, I wouldn't have had nearly as much fun as I've had. I owe you so much for being my person. There was a moment that passed by where you became family, and I'm not even sure when it happened; I just know that it did.
The following are a few things that I wish for you on your birthday.
1. Enjoy your day.
Juggling work and an internship isn't always the easiest of tasks, so take today and spend it however you want! Relax, treat yourself in anyway that appeals to you. After all, today is yours.
2. Have seconds.
Have that second piece of cake or that second margarita. There are no rules to how much of anything you can have on your birthday!
3. Embrace your new age.
Age is just a number. I know that at age 22 nothing exciting happens like being able to drive or purchase alcohol legally, but something cool does take place. Turning 22 means you were blessed with one more year of experiencing this crazy thing we call "life".
4. Don't sweat the small things.
It is so easy to get wrapped up in the tiniest of details, but don't do it. Life is one big adventure, and you want to live your life for you. Focus on the big picture; that's what is going to get you where you want to be and make you happy.
5. Believe in yourself.
I truly believe that you can accomplish anything in this world if you put your mind to it. You are capable of achieving great things. No one else is like you, and that makes all the difference.
6. Be happy.
If there is one ultimate wish I could make for you, this one would be it. I want you to be happy with your life — happy in your education, your career, your family, your friendships and your relationship.
7. Be free.
Freedom is something we all have, but seldom fully understand the concept. We are all fortunate enough to have the freedom to decide who it is we want to become and what we want to spend our lives doing. Choose to be free. Whatever it is you want to do, do it.
8. Travel.
Fortunately, I have seen you light up about many things because they are things that you are passionate about. Traveling is one of those things. I remember when you came back from Spain and France. You were so inspired by the culture and the people you were able to experience. Even when we went to New Orleans you came back charged and craving new places to go. Continue to travel. Traveling is one of the most exciting, humbling and educational choices you can ever make.
9. Remember who you are.
Continue to grow. Have new experiences. Learn a new language or develop new skills, but never forget who you are at your core. You are by far one of the funniest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. You are quiet when you first meet someone, but only because you are sizing them up. With an engaging smile and a laugh that causes others to laugh too, people feed off of your energy. You are so smart and eager to learn. You not only talk to people, but you listen. People listen in two ways. One, they listen with the intent of replying or two, they listen to absorb and comprehend what someone is saying. You listen the second way, the best way. You are kind, compassionate, strong, sarcastic, dedicated and hardworking.
10. Follow your heart.
You know what is right for you. Never be afraid to take a risk and pave your own road. I will support you no matter what. If you choose to move abroad for a job or get married in five days in Mexico, I will support you. Listen to your head but follow your heart because it knows the right path for you at any given time.
11. Never forget that you are loved.
Anyone who knows who you are loves you. You have a wonderful family who think the world of you. You don't go unnoticed. We all deeply love and care about you. You are never alone, remember that.
Lastly, I want to thank you. Thank you for always riding the crazy train that is our life together. I cannot begin to express the impact you have had on my life. From our adventures on Sixth Street to our more laid-back nights laying around like bums on your recliners with buckets of sweet tea and boxes of chicken from Chicken Express, there is no one else I would rather call my person. I trust you completely and sometimes truly believe you know me better than I even know myself. You have such a kind-heart and a beautiful soul, I cannot imagine my life without you. Our friendship is hands-down one of the things I am most grateful for. Thank you for being the sister I never had. I hope you have the happiest of birthdays, Rachel!